Asteroid diameter impact to rorqual mining

Hi all,

Wondering if anyone did any analysials on basically what diameter rock is most m^3 /s effective?
Lets say you always position rorqual less then 100m from the rock to minimize drone travel distance to ship for ore drop.

I started working on such analysis, but before I go all nerd crazy wanted to ask…

You’ll be most efficient if you can position yourself so that your drones does not need to travel to unload, meaning when the drones orbit the rock they must stay within 2500m from your ship. Not sure at which range the drones orbit a rock when mining, but you can subtract that from the 2500 and you get the max diameter the rock can be to be most efficient.

In other words, in order to nerf Rorqs a bit more, the diameter of rocks in anomalies and moon belts should be at least 16 km for the lowest density rocks.

Rock diameter doesn’t really matter much for ISK/hour, just be sure to mine the most expensive ores and get at least within 1000m of the rock.

The one thing to look out for is that if you mine the largest spod rocks in a colossal or enormous belt your drones might get stuck on the rock for a bit when trying to recall them, which can be annoying when hostiles enter local.

Well, I wouldn’t support that tbh.

Yes, usually, only a few of your drones need to travel far, but on large spod rocks, you lose quite a considerable ammount of Ore over an hour. I wanted to do a bit of stopclocking for some rocks to have more solid data, but didn’t get to that yet.

Since Spod is the most available ore in nullsec (and also the second most expensive on paper), you will mine it for a long time. Hence, the impact is not as marginal as one might think.

I typically place my rorqs as close as possible without losing too much time with positioning. Usually within 500 meters (approch the rock, get bumped then wait until you are at 5-6 m/s and stop).

Just a quick example:

2 of your drones are 10k out => they travel at about 450 m/s with 4 NavComps.

takes them 22 seconds to unload the ore. Out of the 300 seconds you mine a minute with 5 drones, it’s 44. That’s 14%. or about 100k m3 in an hour. That’s only for 2 drones being out that far while all other 3’s are in perfect position (so, it’s an unrealisticly good approach).

To follow up:

Chucking the largest spodumain rock (85 meters away from the rock) in the enormous belt yields about 600k (~370 blocks) Spod per hour (with Maxed out rorqual).

So no, when you lose 20-25% of your yield from the largest to the smallest rock (Gneiss, where flight time almost doesn’t exist), it’s not trivial. Not at all.

Your follow-up is about as useful as official government statistics (i.e. it is more informative in what you didn’t say than what you actually said).

Mining on a maximum sized spod rock won’t get you the theoretical maximum yield of your rorqual. But neither won’t mining gneiss, as gneiss blocks are fairly small so you will need to spend time moving between rocks. The good thing about Gneiss is that it is more expensive, so it is still the better deal.
And if your mining space has other people living in it, you may well find that the gneiss rocks disappear first, so another reason to mine it first (self full-filling prophecy). In addition your space may have solar systems with the +5% or +10% ores, but those systems are likely to see more hostile traffic, potentially bringing down yield/hour again.

Hence my advice: mine the most expensive ores first, and don’t worry too much about the small details.

it wasn’t meant to be a statistic anyway. I know it’s limited use, but it’s an arguments against “Diameter doesn’t matter” (that was literally the point). It does matter and the optimum to mine is “clear the freaking belt” anyway (if you are looking at the greater picture).

Ofc, there’s room inbetween to be filled by individuals, but you can’t just disregard rock size. It’s the whole reason why you mine gneiss if you want to mine max ISK per hour because even if it takes you 5 minutes to reposition to the next rock and then another 5 minutes to do that once again so that you can mine as much m3 as a big spodrock would have given, you are still vastly ahead of mining spod.

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