Asymmetric-Warfare Actively Seeking PvP Corporations

Asymmetric-Warfare is a Son Null Sec PvP Alliance seeking active PvP Corporations in multiple time zones.

We have engaging small to midscale fleet opportunities in both US and EU TZ and are also looking to expand our AUTZ capabilities.

Points of emphasis for our alliance is:

  • Black Ops
  • Capital PvP
  • Mid Scale Fleet Fights
  • Objective Based Content
  • Very Active Region of Activity

Advantages of joining:

  • Access to multiple content creators
  • Active JF/Logistics Wings
  • A strong, competent, core group of players


Gameplay footage:

Interested corporations can reach out to Asar Kardde either in game or preferably at my discord account here: Asar Kardde#4465


Still seeking corps

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New content

Still looking for gamers


Looking for people that want to conquer the new frontier

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Getting dank frags

We are getting lots of fun midscale content as of late. Looking for more solid pvp corporations.

Still dunking nerds while actively seeking some more nerds of our own.


Still Actively Seeking PvP Corporations


PvP Found Here

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Still looking for corps wanting to fight the good fight

We get fun content

Still recruiting 2