Created by experienced players, Club Troppo provides an exciting opportunity to experienced and returning players. Newbros willing to take the dive into nullsec are also welcomed.
What we offer:
- Dedicated nullsec space for PVE, Anom and Moon mining
- Group PVE & mining fleets
- Corporation buyback facilities
- Access to large Nullsec Market
- Access to Industry facilities
- PVP Roams
- Blops fleets
- Whaling fleets
- Relaxed (no bs) atmosphere with knowledgeable players available
- AUTZ (+late AUTZ), USTZ & EUTZ
- Don’t be a dickhead
- Working microphone, English speaking (reasonable language proficiency is OK)
- Omega account
- PVP experience, or the willingness to learn & contribute
- A Hawaiian shirt
Talk to us on discord here: Club Troppo