that’s none of my business and I don’t pay them nothing
^^ security
it is when you are trying to use it to justify a need for this. There is already a system in the game that ensures you don’t miss a fleet invite. it does not add or remove any level of security
You’re mistaking the part of a feature and idea and needs.
a feature does not have to be a need before it becomes useful.
When it is a need, it may be because it was required before, because that after that it is a need, something wrong may have happened to cause it to be a need.
You don’t have to do something wrong for it to be a need.
There is no need for that.
You’re also mixing up security with a system in the game, or in the program, like if the EVE Online program was a game and not a program, to ensure I don’t miss a fleet invite (which , by the way, is in no way making sure or ensuring that you don’t miss a fleet invite, but would inform if you did miss it, and how).
What I was telling you is that, there are reasons why the system is designed that way, so that, if you did miss the fleet invite, the person that miss it would be held liable, very much like you do to me right now.
You also mix up security matter with the security needs to run the EVE client and server and end up with DDoS.
You like to run a program to evade reality, and call it a game, as if it was your game to evade reality.
Programs don’t run like that, they do use dream and parts that are not real, but it’s not to mix up security and misrepresent it with systems in the game , while it interferes with security.
I don’t care if I have to study this for another 25 or 50 years.
Be my guest.
By then AI will kill more people.
So you are afk and want features to support that…
Here it comes…
-1 not just no…
no, I was not afk, but I don’t want features now that you mention it like that.
I’ll go work elsewhere better for me.
Thank you.
Oh wait, I already have my own business corporation and business, so I guess I already work elsewhere.
Additionally, your name is also salty.
The best I can do is send you agents to get intelligence from you and to get more intelligence from you for corporate intelligence and marketing intelligence and industrial intelligence.
You sure are making me seem like if I was afk, and
you sure are trying to make me seem like if I was afk,
and trying to make me seem like if I wanted feature for that,
when I don’t.
And you try to make me seem like if I wanted feature to support that, when I also don’t.
You also try to justify voting against me, which I really do appreciate and integrate it in the diplomatic process for operational feasibility and war.
It is the proper activity incited and forced from this.
Thank you for your time saving feedback and for the benefit it bring to the community.
Scenario 20,599:
fleet A is incoming and the FC calls for response time.
Fleet invites are issued and people are not AFK but typing in data from the opposing attackers composition, location and other garbage like that,
or that should soon be garbage like that.
They get a signal that signals them they have a fleet invite signal to respond to, so the communication is ok.
Of course, if you divert them thinking it’s no good, and -1, then the whole fleet may wipe successfully from your spying attempt to deter them from living.
If english is not your first language, I strongly suggest stop using it, and use whatever your native language is. If it IS your first language, then I strongly suggest getting help or going back to school because you arent making any ■■■■■■■ sense. Your english is so broken, it’s like you put a dictionary through an industrial shredder, and put it back together in order of pieces you grabbed.
You might want to check the English language criticism youtube video if you like that, and are looking for that.
you may want to check post 43 if you want to criticize anyone criticizing your english
oh you know so that you can achieve basic human conversation without thinking that you were being attacked simply because no one understands a god damn thing you are saying
Definitely not.
no? that wouldn’t be a good reason? yeah being understood really is overrated
No, however, there is no point to waste and expand efforts to be understood, when the understanding is about getting killed because of efforts spent to try to get understood, when the ones perpetrating it are administering methods to create lack of understanding, and try to divert with it , to get an advantage as a result of attacks among other things.
but you are telling me that this is completely understandable and i’m just trolling when I say I don’t know?
For instance, something you omit.
Something was required before which would have avoided it to become a need, or a fundamental need. There are different kind of needs, but this kind of need was not detailed.
If something happened which would cause it to be a need and require to be fulfilled or cause a failure of some sort, as needs require to be fulfilled to prevent system failure as a consequence of the lack of fulfilling of needs.
This would be an action resulting into becoming a need, while it was not necessary prior to that.
The other party referred to bait, compared to troll, or not compared to troll, in the sense of tempting to attract.
I said troll, because you’re pulling my leg, to a certain degree.
he called you the troll and said you had great bait
that is still just a word salad. that if anything just made the original quote more confusing
That’s why I linked the relationship of need in the following post, because that is what the emergency department uses to heal police officers for medical emergencies.
Those mentioned medical models maybe myths, however, they are operational, even if not the best.
There are other more efficient models, one of which I had to learn in 1985 to graduate in language, even though it was not what was used.
What was used was the benefit computers would bring to society (and yes, including numerical amount of dollars in fiat currency).
Needless to say, this tread post is about the Audible Fleet Invite player feature and idea.
The other details are only external factors.
wait are you trying to say ccp should add this because there is no need to but maybe someday there may be some small chance of it being needed?
No, you said that.
I didn’t say that it was needed.
They should fulfill their needs first.
If there are parts of the server which needs to be updated to the new OS or OSes, then it should be done first.
This is simply presented here not as a need, but an option, and that may be used to improve the experience of joining a fleet, depending on certain circumstances.
Also, most of the conditions you mention most likely would not apply to me, even if I met them.
Maybe we can add a list of conditions in which it may be useful,
and a list of conditions in which it may not be useful.
I also don’t know about the resources to do so.
(I don’t know about the resources which would be required to implement it.)
you realize each option adds exponential work to the QA team right? even if ccp had nothing left to add to the game that would still not be reason to add this. far better QOL things have been removed from the game for this exact reason
QA team Quality Assurance team ?
QOL things ?