Aura AI

with all the various Project Discovery/science/research things that have been integrated into eve in the past, how has CCP managed to completely avoid putting an AI into Aura?

Why can’t i ask Aura random questions about the universe in which we play?

“Aura, where the ■■■■ do i find this skillbook exactly? other than the scalpers in jita.”


An LLM that knows eve back to front would be a great idea.

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Careful what you wish for, she might turn out to be be more talkative than you’d prefer:

:wink: :smiling_imp: :blush:

there is something similar to this already, found on this page: Third-party tools - EVE University Wiki

“Torsten Feld EVE Online”

and directly here on amazon: EVE Online : Alexa Skills

however i do agree an LLM AI would be sweet AF, especially if its voice activated.

I had a look at a prospective project for this idea, I did consider implementing this myself.

Perhaps just grabbing all publicly available data produced by CCP and tuning an AI for it you think?

I had a look at the prospect of user input to improve the bot tuning but that opens a whole can of worms

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Maybe we could have Aura send out in-game promotional material, too. Dangit…

Probably end up as censored and useless as copilot

I’m not gonna lie, I was EXTREMELY pissed off I had that trash automatically included in my latest OS update. Damn, I LOVE that my firewall actually works…

To your point, you wouldn’t want your AI to know any HATE FACTS would you?

Don’t worry Windows has its built-in backdoors so they can do whatever they want with your computer if they decide to do so. :eyes:


play chess with real-life “chess pieces”. :smirk:


I think it’s because the game is being changed so often that keeping such an AI up to date would be a pain in the butt for the devs.
It seems to me that the game is a heap of different parts held together by a miracle.

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they should let an AI loose to roleplay as a triglavian.

let the AI decide what to do