I’m getting back into the game and dragging a No on with me so you guys could work out for that. I’m more of a j space person but it would be just plain wrong to drag a Noob into a c5.
Yeah we had a group in a C5 Wolf Rayet a year or two ago. Wormholes aren’t a great place to start out :P. TEST is pretty accommodating when it comes to newbros. Free ships are provided for fleets and we have a ton of resources for newer pilots. Hop in our recruitment channel if you’re still interested and we’ll tell ya a little more about what we have to offer.
Hello I am returning to the game and looking for a corp I am an indy. I want to learn everything about being a great industrialist. I habe research slots available, manufacturing lines needing work, and planets that I can manage. I just need guidance and direction.
We are still recruiting, but starting with a character that new in null may be a little hard. Hop in our public channel and we can talk to you about the next steps to see if you’re ready for nullsec. We’re down if you are