[BAERS ] Dropbears Anonymous is Recruiting. NS/C5 PVP

“What is culture and why does it matter? Out of all the things I could possibly write about, culture is the most important. Culture is what binds a group of people together. Culture is shared inside jokes, memes, habits, and understanding. Culture is drinking songs, mutual understanding, and a warped perspective of the world that is shared among its adherents. Culture is what creates patriotism, revolution, and video game space butt pirate corporations.”

  • a DAMN PATRIOT (Supreme Godking and Eternal Leader, Dropbears Anonymous)

If you were to ask me why you should apply to Dropbears Anonymous (BAERS), the answer might surprise you.

It isn’t the fights, the infrastructure, or the dank isk to be made in wormhole space. It’s our culture, the close brotherhood that has developed over months and years of playing together. Becoming a Dropbear means becoming part of a family - one that you can count on when things gets tough, and in wormhole space you’d better believe that it will.

So what exactly is Dropbear culture? When we’re logged in, it’s all about talking trash and busting balls in TeamSpeak while scanning down the chain and looking for glorious content. We back each other up and learn from each victory and defeat. Everyone pulls their own weight, no one rides for free. We rely on each member to do their part in scanning, rolling, hunting and logistics. Nothing in a wormhole happens automatically, so put in the work, and share in the battles and rewards. We’re only as strong as our weakest member. We are newbro friendly(more on this below), and you don’t need to have w-space experience to apply. There is a huge pool of knowledge to draw from in the corporation, but you need to be ready to learn and able to do some level of independent research. We live for the fight. More than anything, we are a PvP corp. If you prefer to mine or dock up when someone comes knocking, this is not the place for you.

What can we offer you?

A home in Dropbox, a Class 2 wormhole with a nullsec and C5 static.

Dual Statics (NS/C5):

NS content:

Small nano-gang nullsec roaming

Whale hunting

C5 content:

Site runner ganks Heavy-tank Wormhole Brawling TeamSpeak, Pathfinder, Discord and Fleet-Up access.

Opportunities to FC/learn to FC in coherent doctrines.

Scout a kill, get the loot.

SRP for Hunter Intys and Dictors

Subreddit/wiki access for memes, guides, or odd combinations of the two.

A dubtrack channel that will only rarely cause your ears to bleed.

What are we looking for? We want adults that realize this game is best played with people you can enjoy being on comms with for long hours. Having a good sense of humor, a willingness to make an effort to get to know new corp mates, and being able to admit your own mistakes is a great start to making that happen. We want people that are ready to challenge the harshest living conditions in one of the toughest games around. We want people who don’t settle for less, who want to learn and grow as a member and player. We want people who are willing to pass their knowledge and skills on to incoming players and continue to strengthen the corporation.

Are there minimum requirements? Newbro friendly! You will need the skills to scan, fit a T2 tank, sit in T1 hulls, and Gila/Stratios skills will allow you to participate in all fleets with the goal of heading towards Loki/Legion/Damnation. Some level of PvP experience. Whether it’s NPSI fleets, null roams or faction warfare, you need to be familiar with and enjoy PvP. A good attitude and a willingness to learn.

That’s all there is to it! If you want to fly and fight with a fun group of guys that will have your back no matter what happens, come have a chat with us. Join our in-game channel “Dropbears Anonymous” or ask for a recruiter in our public Discord channel. For a little more information, check out our website.

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