🍌 Banana Tigers - polish wormhole corporation is recruiting!

Greeting Capsuleers,



Who are we?

  • Small, tight-knit group of proactive pilots willing to give and take content;
  • We are polish speaking guys but with willingness to participate in international co-ops;
  • Experienced leadership not afraid to try new things;
  • Cool guys with lots of cool memes
  • Drama-free environment with lots of respect to real life

What is our vision?

Mid sized corporation with multiboxing pilots focused on PVE and Industry to blow up in an epic way the money we made. We do not decline fights, we search fights actively. We strive to develop all our pilots as a PVP player who thinks independent and adds value to the corporation. We want to brawl with our “Frenemies” with mutual respect.

What do we want from you?

  • Pilots who want to contribute not only take
  • PVP competetive mindset
  • trained Marauder, Leshak and sabre alt
  • Omega status

What we can do for you?

  • Access to active and friendly corpmates, they are our biggest asset
  • We can learn you all the ropes
  • Lucrative isk making possibilities focused on every corp member’s development
  • Full infrastructure (PI, rafineries etc.)

If you are interested in joining just talk to us in game or in discord. We will be happy to answer all your questions.

IG channel - “Banana Tigers Public”
Discord - Banana Tigers



UP / do góry.

BUMP / do góry!

BUMP / do góry!

BUMP / do góry.

BUMP / do góry.

BUMP! / do góry

BUMP. / do góry!

bump / do góry!

Wszystko fajnie, ale od każdej grupy odrzuca mnie discord. Nie mam ochoty siedzieć ze słuchawkami na uszach.

Szkoda, no taka gra w wormholu. W grze tyle się dzieję, że niestety nie jesteśmy w stanie klikać i komunikować się tekstowo. Jeżeli kiedyś zmienisz zdanie serdecznie zapraszam! :slight_smile:

Do góry!


Friendly Bump :slight_smile:

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Dziękuję Matic! BUMP!

Bump do góry!

Bump! Do góry!

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bump! do góry!