Bannable? interfering with duels through item/cap battery drops

Picture yourself a duel in HS between two marauders in bastion.

Anyone providing remote assistance is now a concorded. the idea is that it is purely between these two people.

But what about using an alt to drop cap batteries?

Cap battery alts are standard practice elsewhere, but when there are written rules that say you are not allowed to avoid concord i would consider this a violation of the rules. and thus bannable or eligible for reimbursement as the spirit of game’s rules have been bent to favour one player over another.

It makes the point of duels entirely moot if this is not bannable.

Please give me your opinions or answers. as i was looking to make a marauder duel fit and this just dawned on me.


What if you use a tractor beam to pull the cap battery jetcan?

Tug of war duel!


If you think its an exploit or a bannable offense, contact support. Or @ISD_Drew can point you in the right direction

If is not clear, please reach out to GM team directly via

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it’s not . that rule was primarily put in to stop interfering with warring parties . it’s still legal for players to drop supplies for their allies during a battle , as it should be .

I’ve always considered ‘honorable combat may now occur between these parties’ to be an ironic joke of the GM team , considering the nature of this game . where if you expect fair , you’ve already failed . :laughing:


it’s very clear. but im speaking of what might be an oversight.

i will not consider the statement of honorable combat to be ironic. given everything in the game as it is you would expect at least this to be believable at face value.

what would newbros think?

that’s actually funny if you could pull something like that off, but i dont consider this a serious solution

The serious answer is that there is no such thing as a ‘fair duel’ enforced in EVE.

Most fights aren’t fair, unless both participants decide both to play honourable.

The duel feature in EVE doesn’t enforce an honourable duel. In fact, in most parts of space that feature is meaningless because people can freely shoot each other if they wanted to duel.

The only thing a ‘duel’ in EVE does is to allow you to give consent that some other player gets a limited engagement timer against you so you both can fight without CONCORD killing the person who shoots first.

A duel starts a limited engagement timer when both participants agree, similar to how a kill right can start a limited engagement timer on someone (but without consent), or how a suspect flag allows anyone to start a limited engagement timer against the suspect player.

Starting a duel means ‘no CONCORD’, nothing else.

If you want an honourable fight, find an opponent who honours the agreements you both make before the fight, like ‘no extra cap boosters’. That way you can set any rules you like.

EVE won’t enforce honour, that’s something players do.


Duel acceptance is basically like putting a large “kick me” bumper sticker on your ship.

At one point duels were fun. But now it’s just a way of baiting new (or ignorant) players into a fight.


One one tractor beam can be active on a container at a time, so its really whoever gets the lock first than a tug of war.

Though at least now people can see when a pocket booster alt is being used.

Nothing started off as an exploit or a banable offence.

Its not a question of legality, its more so ‘will this action result in sanction by concord’

To the letter of the law, probably, the spirit? no.

They would have no idea what is going on, the find out later.

Yep, first thing to turn off in settings.

That rule (can’t rep someone with a timer against someone you can’t attack) was added to prevent people outside of a war ( “neutral alts” ) from actually helping people in the war without taking a risk.

I’d say dropping stuff for people in a war (or in a duel, as it’s the same thing) should also be prevented. Now is it possible to implement without a very complicated mechanism ? Not sure.

I remove screen shaking first.

There wouldn’t be a need for “duels” if CCP would reestablish the Abyssal Arenas as part of a sophisticated and easily accessible “Arena Combat” system with different “weight classes” that balance cost, accessibility and rewards. Those Arenas were actually fun to watch and their twitch streams generated more views on average than most of the other EVE streams (except the AT streams). Ask @Gustav_Mannfred :stuck_out_tongue:


CCP swift has stated (paraphrasing) that as long as the current expansion projects are released as they are (equinox, revenant etc) then the proving grounds won’t be back… even though he wants them back as well.

But the OP is questioning if its a bannable offense.

Particulalry if you had RR alts and got a shiny ship to duel your rust bucket.

But war decs used to be even more fun than duels. The most fun was deliberately walking into a trap of some wannabe mercs with a battlecruiser. Had a guardian alt on standby but wasnt needed.

Result: 8 kills including 2 battlecruisers and a blackbird.

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This newbie thinks that when it comes to Isk EVE players are devoid of honor, truth, fairness or heart.
At least in the real world there is a semblance of law but in New Eden it’s worst than the Far West.
I imagine the EVE players like so:

Is that Powers Booth? No, no, nobody is worse than him, not even the notorious @Felix_Frostpacker

You know, they probably thought the Earps were the bad guys. :grinning:

Following Tombstone, Ike Clanton filed murder charges against the Earps and Doc Holliday after the fight, but a corrupt judicial hearing exonerated them.