Best ISK triple boxing in highsec

I don’t think you posted the correct link.

he did. I can confirm what he says.
Also 200M/h is with cheap fits and bad LP store.

If you are too lazy to go to his twitch and then look for his youtube yourself -,-


A thousand apologies, my good sir, the link was not loading correctly for me at the time and I chose, in error, to alert you to that.

I saw that topic and couldn’t resist replying!
About 18 months ago i’ve got an idea to have the best ISK income for HishSec gameplay.
In jan 2020 i finally finish my project after months of hard work to set the foundation for that thing.
With that in place i can go in a particular system in HighSec and make 400m/h to a maximum of 1B per day with minimal effort.
1B/day is nice but got bored pretty fast doing the same thing over and over so i stated another project recently (and left the system)…
Thats my way of EVE. Find the most efficient way to make ISK with unorthodox method none ever think of lol (i know this because the number of local in the target system is always pretty low).
EDIT : income was not with POS, industry or market. It’s simple triple boxing PVE

Sounds like Cosmos Missions.
Its still strange to revive a dead thread without giving helpful tipps.

You could tripple box Incursions, make about the same per hour and you are not limited to 1B per day.


1 billion per day and rapid burnout, according to b42.

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IKR on this one.

It’s easy to do 1B+/h with three accounts in HS, but then it becomes a work and not interesting to do.


Most of the boring stuff in highsec becomes much more interesting in low/null. The profitability doesn’t necessarily go up much, but what the heck, right?

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it can even go very down.

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Cool Story

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yea… :thinking: i don’t post much and didn’t noticed the 20d age otherwise i would not have posted this

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Don’t feel bad. Regardless of the age your reply is a pretty standard “I wanted to show off but don’t want to give any useful details” post anyhow.


I personally would say that 1B is hard to reach. Any tips?

Burners should be 600m/h, same for T5s in frigs. Incursions are propably a bit less?

I wrote 1B/h with three account,s not 1B/h/account with three accounts. so each accounts amounts to 350+ M/h, and that’s very easy. If you only farm when ti’s good you can do muc, much more - you can basically trade quantity for quality.

I was already adding up, all those activites are more like 200mISK/h per account, so 600mISK/h total with 3 toons.
So im still open for more specific tipps.

Farming tags from anti-empire L4 missions in HAM loki I managed to do about 200M/h. Those were anti-amarr missions so swapping into paladin would quickly improve mileage (improved projection, similar dps, no reload) - unsure by how much. I could easily multibox loki setup, paladin would be even easier. Some L4 missions are trivial to blitz for decent rewards.

Then you also have burners which can make even more isk/h.

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So we are again at 600m ISK/h instead of 1b with 3 toons.

Three separate agents blitzing three separate level four missions. You’re tripling the typical income of a level 4.

More like 750M/h when paladins are used for tag farming - ham loki has some issues with projection which really affects mission running speed…