[BIG BUG?] Any member in a corp can make the whole corp got wardeced

Good evening,
Tonight I m sharing a “bug” or something has abit nonsense of wardec mechanics. Its maybe new for you, maybe not because you’ve heard or used it but I think it should be adjusted or fixed.
That any member in a corp, can just haul a POCO (Player owned customs Office) and deploy it without any corp access needed, to make the whole corp war eligible.
It happend to my corp tonight, just a member with 0 roles assigned, joined and deployed it.
I mean if everyone can do that, what is the point of only allow CEO/Director or strucutre manager deploy war-eligible structures like citadels etc. Since anyone in any corp can just skip that and make everyone in trouble.
I suggest we can add some limitation like what we added on corp mail spamms controls before. Not sure what you think about it.


Might want to make a bug report…posting here is mostly pointless.


Or, instead of begging CCP for more immunity to PvP, you could try putting some effort into keeping spies and other threats out of your corp. I know it would reduce your farming efficiency to have to be selective in your membership instead of accepting everyone willing to join, but that’s life in EVE.


Yeah don’t be stupid.
You can’t keep spies out, it’s too easy to make a clean alt.
I mean I assume you aren’t that dumb right to not know that.

That’s actually pretty hilarious that something that small completely negates the changes CCP made to wardecs…


Correction: you can’t keep spies out while simultaneously mass recruiting hordes of newbies. Making a clean alt doesn’t help much if you only accept players with 10 years of employment history, players you know IRL, etc. The more selective you are the more likely it is that you only accept legitimate players and avoid any issues with spies.

Alternatively, you could accept that an occasional war is the price you pay for increased efficiency in recruiting and just deal with it. After all, EVE is a PvP game and you should expect PvP to be a part of life.


And I pray they keep it as-is, since the war changes were so profoundly stupid.

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I like it. Means you cant hide behind a holding corp.

Unanchor it and the wardec goes away. There can’t be that many spies and free planets.

Putting up structures should probably be restricted by roles, but i don’t want this to be changed until ccp re-think the silly situation of wardecs/social corps and breathe some life into hi-sec pvp. Until then content creators need just about every work around they can get.


Yeah the problem is the POCO can be anchored in a random wormhole that is very hard to find. And I don’t think you can transfer a POCO unless you find the system. So a corp that this happens to would be vulnerable to being wardecced for a long time.

Likely an oversight, but a funny one.

@CCP_Fozzie @CCP_Convict FYI just in case this isn’t bug reported

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That is amusing.

You probably have the transfer structure feature on, in which case you screwed up.


Wish mean that tonight I will login in a War-decced corp.


Let’s (try to) kick some ass.

Or we could just remove that war eligibility nonsense and enable wars for all corps again like it was before. The whole change did not have the effect they promised (huge influx of new and returning players) so we should just roll it back.

Are you bipolar? In my topic you ramble on and on and on about how people would abuse the system with spy alts and I tell you that corp officials can check chars before accepting them and take mechanical steps to prevent spies from harming your corp and here your first response is “don’t take in spies”. You really need to work on your coherence.

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Dont let strangers join if you are scared of decs.


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The point of the issue is that there appears to be a loophole in the corp mechanics, and to a degree the wardec mechanics.

Anyone can drop a POCO frame, without roles. You do need roles to upgrade it to a full POCO.

The way this works is that the POCO frame gets dropped (by the spy), and then the corp gets wardecced. The spy then takes down the frame. You find yourself in a 24 hour war. The spy does the same thing just prior to the war ending and it creates a new 24 hour war. I’m not sure if the aggressing corp/alliance pays the wardec fee again, but the notifications indicate that they do. Each 24 hour war is automatically in the final 24 hour cooldown, and each “new” war seems to be it’s own war rather than the what you’d see with a normal war being extended.

It would seem this is exploiting an unintended loophole in what a qualifying structure is, or an unintended loophole with not requiring roles to drop a POCO frame, and even wardec mechanics themselves.

Easiest solution at this time is to identify and kick the spy.

This seems an issue worth ticketing. If GMs respond that this is working as intended, then it’s not an exploit.

By the way, I only heard of this happening very recently. Seems that at least one alliance is using this currently to create grief wars. I have heard some putting in support tickets on losses since it appears the mechanic of this situation is “broken”.

Regardless, EVE is a PvP game. Best attitude is to expect it when you don’t expect it.

Don’t feed the troll.

Since this actually might bring someone from CCP I will post some links to just show how bug free current system is.

OP: consider writing this on reddit. You will definitely find someone from CCP there rather here.