Bigest bug list: ccp dont have ability to fix these 200+ bug

BIG BUG: just because waste many time

  1. left button list often bright after into character
  2. the ship not correct face to where they warp. in fact you can change the ship to correct face when it warping (how to fix)
  3. ship model become a building(such as ansiblex)
  4. chat window hiden itself after login
  5. 29285the gm tell u only can use f12 to report bug but your help center write u can report by useing support, and u cant edit report after u submit if u forget something or want save a copy
  6. 29291you must write something to describe and describe more and select type and a photo about the bug, but most time dont have more things to write
  7. Sometimes the overview filter, specifically to not show corp/fleet/alliance members doesn’t work correctly and it shows some of them in tab where they shouldn’t show.
  8. Sometimes when multifitting ships, or maybe fitting them via “fit button” the modules’ order is reversed.
  9. launch not from steam window cant count towards play time
  10. 29293auto buy skill in market maybe buy to a very far place and not the shorest place if in space
  11. 29292the shortcut keys and buttons of the selected object cant use, whatever u selecte or lock it
  12. use right mouse look item price market list always random in first look
  13. notification show wrong number, often dont show contract, show insurance expired only when insure
  14. 30254i gusee u will delet old report because ebr number show this
  15. Expired killright still very often shows on a pilot.
  16. Renaming ship in space sometimes doesn’t work and when you dock it still has old name in inventory. personal information or notebook too
  17. drone automatic counterattack maybe attack other player’s dont link drone or something never attacked you
  18. if new refersh combat site dont have enough space to show in window, will yellow in wrong time
  19. 战术视角下环绕有两个圈,重启后解决
  20. “clear Notifications” does either nothing, or only half. It appears that it only works more or less when you have the Notifications window open and spam that clear button
  21. contract a box of something to someone and contract back soon, the used item will be displayed in the box, can use, after ues it game tell u cant use it
  22. When attempting to accept an epic arc the agent will sometimes say “I have already offered that to another pilot” or something to that effect.
  23. 29080When you receive a contract, it will appear in the bottom right corner by default, as with all notifications, but cant find in the history notifications
  24. bad network maybe make your game no response and make your computer ka le the same time. mosttime only one client no response and last about one minute
  25. see other player boat warp and warp again like he is lossing package, even u have good network and in few man system still will happen
  26. have some way to point the boat that can start wrap less than 2s
  27. 29287eve support asid: and reporters will receive a message if action is taken thanks to one of their reports. but my friends and i never receive which bot is banned
  28. the text size will reset after you change some set
  29. the grapha will always black random after one dock
  30. autopilot closed itself
  31. cant download with max speed but in past servel years always max speed
  32. the rat not killed befor dt will be inherited after combat reset
  33. rat never normal attack, after dt will auto fix
  34. 27930 change language will not auto reboot and will change your text size in next boot, size change must reboot game can be apply. so if u want change these maybe reboot manytimes
  35. API often broken
  36. translate quality always very low, this month is lowest, about double lower 2024年11月27日10:14:08
  37. When jump or dock is done while at the same time selecting one of the options of a dropdown menu in any UI the dropdown menu will close and will be locked completely
  38. most time, randomly, when jumping into new system while having an autopilot route set (but not autopilot enabled), the next destination will not show up automatically in “Selected Item” window.
  39. wrong path,most times is because the ansi cant use, after the ansi can use some hours still will happen,a few times no ansi in the path it have bug
  40. 进角色后,通知栏和其他窗口重叠时要等待半分钟才能打开通知栏
  41. 野怪转火后始终无法正确攻击正常的目标而非无人机,在深空重新登船有概率无法修复该漏洞,未发现驻留跳船无法修复该漏洞
  42. 29772after set distance, click one thing will surround or hold it
  43. 29740hypernet after finshed noone can get result, i dont know if it will auto fixed after dt
  44. dx12 will happen many bug but if you use dx11 it never happen
  45. local channel cant use, many different bug
  46. high image quality make many things flash
  47. send isk dont show in receiver
  48. ship insurance expired tip appear in wrong time
  49. 29305when mouse move pass item very fast it still appear a very big information, often make you click wrong thing or block u a long time
  50. 使用自动导航时手动跳玩家星门后自动导航会关闭
  51. mix-use steam/epic and offical maybe need totally reinstall
  52. whatever how you move blueprint to industry it dont work, reopen the industry will slove
  53. Exploration plan may loading over 10s after start a new pictuer, whatever the network good or bad
  54. 31816when offline sometimes serve not check, but drones always back
  55. 30905market search dont reset after reboot
  56. click show contract will notice need wait some seconds, need wait 5s after last notice
  57. use alt+tab from full screen to windowed eve, eve is wrong size and cant control
  58. 30550need to open wallet first then can use legion account
  59. after change system 装备 wrong
  60. downline in space when max hp, when upline the shiled is not max, sometime only 80%
  61. sometime relogin will black more time if because lost connect, the longest i black is 3m
  62. item price fluctuate wilder under high inflation but monthly report still the same late
  63. 30784market prize history often dont show yesteday data
  64. 30649search result double
  65. launcher account omg not real time, delay up to 1d
  66. 窗口会缩放以对齐,重进后不会缩放,因为近年经常改ui所以很重要
  67. drone dont auto attack the same one
  68. sometimes drones in slow speed cant back boat
  69. rat number window often dont appear or wrong number
  70. mail over 1k will delete the oldest
  71. 在高丢包网络下进行操作(应该是一次确认算一次操作)很容易被关闭连接,刷怪反而不容易掉线
  72. show character button in alt+a is hidden, i dont say the open character button
  73. look up, another bug is sometime the open button is not appear but u can use the hidden button to open the character
  74. 进角色后,通知栏和其他窗口重叠时要等待半分钟才能打开通知栏
  75. debuff dont disappera after over, happen in ratting many times
  76. launcher no response, after minimize and open it fixed
  77. gusitasi ◆sotiyo never not apper after patchonte
  78. dont download conpletely will cause many bug
  79. dont find how to close cloud but patchnote say u can close it
  80. higher and higher probability dont show correct thing in kb
  81. support has too much bot to reply
  82. Sometimes when undocking with negative security status, but not as negative to be hunted by facpo in given system
  83. report bug in launcher has many bug
  84. cant edit photo in launcher bug report like in game
  85. space after each link
  86. 收钩子不能设置声望与提示
  87. typeid update too fast this half year2024年12月10日09:04:41
  88. cant find typeid history, so cant check if correct translate tobe wrong
  89. dont have enough place to show all mission if one character do many different production
  90. window in undock dont have compact mode, ship card only can show 4 ship(and a egg)
  91. effect in image quality setting dont say it effect many important effect
  92. need one-click assembly is automatically insured
  93. open fleet need click to search in main page
  94. warehouse need bigger
  95. lp need 总监 can use it
  96. u never say what setting can save in your server, and now it have atleast 15 different window save different setting
  97. too many tax but all have different way to count
  98. pls default off the save chatlog and boarding cinematic, or u can save the setting in your server
  99. relogin character dont need wait property 5m refersh property
  100. cant minimize selected item forever or close it, many window cant close forever too
  101. tidi maybe effect very far away (10+jump) system tidi high long time
  102. cant use shop card leave ship, the fit button is top in left
  103. every update almost over 200mb, i guess its because need redownload the package. now the total download size in 1y is more than 99% similar people number games
  104. when mail over 1k will delete the oldest mail
  105. when hold and click a location it will change color after your mouse move out, sometime the color will disappear after u do nothing
  106. 29286gm tell u cant use chinese when your report have only one chinese text or your qusetion is about chinese
  107. more and more change dont write in patch note 2025年2月11日23:25:35
  108. patch note has more and more useless word, most is adjust the same thing
    1. 长轴关闭简洁模式才能看
  109. 登录器无法左右切换广告但按钮还可按下
  110. cant search news if dont select english or dont use english
  111. cant search in help center if dont select english or dont use english
  112. auto close page after change launguage if help center dont have your launguage type
  113. 31083chance always yellow
  114. 30903some special size cant see online number
  115. Launcher photo broken until next update
  116. avatars in Launcher sometimes take weeks to update
  117. when launcher looks like no responseing it may sudden response something u dont want
  118. 30315cant get plex number in launcher
  119. other one in your fleet pick loot will notic u have new item in stash
  120. launcher need half minutes to completely launch, before completely has many bug
  121. launcher online information and number often delay over 5m
  122. auto rename in fit cant arrive max text number or normal text number
  123. cant log Help Center account by log in old account by steam(havent try epic)
  124. ?When KB have useing script, the script number in the simulate fit is doubled
  125. cant apply volunteer again if u not be sucessed
  126. wrong translate never fix
  127. 29082after update about 90%, the download speed often change to 10% today’s speed, you need update twice each time, it will happen twice in one update
  128. i guess report by support dont have ebr number, but its the only way to up except photo file
  129. system color of number in map need change, it design for very old version
  130. 仓库1000限制不够用, it design for normal design
  131. settings files very easy to broken, but dont give idea and suggest how to defend
  132. 30+ but i dont want write or check if repetition
  133. 40+ i dont know how happen so dont write, or maybe just because ka le

Forums bug or question

  1. how to close forums ctrl+f5, its useless
  2. cant save where u last edit, now the topic is so long it cost me much time to arrive correct location, and Thats why i dont write more about bug
  3. update topic dont refersh last reply time
  4. save edit dont auto refresh sometime, or maybe it because load wrong edition?
  5. reply the last reply cant reply the reply
  6. update the topic cant refersh the delet time
  7. 连续的换行都无内容将只保留一个换行
  8. numbered list cant renumber form 1
  9. a random line in edit box

Heavy bug: waste many many time

  • when you drag a link into chat it inserts spaces before and after. Probably by design but its been irritating me for more than a decade. I’d rather zero or one space than two.
  • ccp only report accident in twitter
  • cant jump to ansi in path
  • when you drag a link into textbox and delet a space will save a lot of text number, if not delet the space immediately, whatever u edit it dont save so much text number

I WILL never check if bug fixed because ccp never write it in patch note and in my know 300+ bug, they only fix 4 in the past whole year, and i have cost over 30h to check if one of a bug fixed
use list still cant make the text easy to read in eve forums, copy to other textbox
ebr number in the front; report has type so dont say if is launcher bug

you already have another topic about this… no need to keep spamming about bugs.

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