Blades Recruiting PVE players

“Blades of Dawn” is a friendly, PVE and industrial corp – Recently returned to the game and looking to regrow our numbers again we have only a handful of our old players back, no point in lying about it, still in the early regrowing phase again.

We use Discord and mumble as our main form of communication, as well as the in-game channel as we play Eve. We are not focused on PVP and not worried about the killboard. We have no monthly PAP requirements. As long as you enjoy playing the game and have fun doing it, that’s all that matters.

We are part of Stribog Alliance and members of the imperium. Which is a great position as we have access to imperium space for ratting mining and everything else the imperium has including there PVP fleets. We also have Alliance fleets in pochven for mining, flashpoints and PVP. To run flashpoints, you will need to train into the doctrines to join. We personally run the highsec flashpoints at corp level. We are based in immensa and work our highsec part out of amarr space.

Having no war dec’s means we can venture to highsec with out running into any trouble, other than gankers there will always be gankers.

Corp Activities:

Our main focus is PVE and industry, however we do vary it up and try everything eve has, we’ve plenty of guides in helping people getting started in some of the more unique content out there in new eden:

  • Mining Ore, Ice, in Highsec, Pochven and Nullsec - Boosting and Compression Orca and Porpoise Fleets available.
  • Industrial building in ships, fuel block production or anything else for our alliance market.
  • Group Activities: Running PVE, Home Fronts, flashpoints in Highsec and pochven, incursions in nulsec.
  • Access to Nullsec within imperium space, with our alliance, activities include: Mining, Combat Sites, PVE, Industrial Capital Production, Call To Arms (CTA’s) PVP these are optional but can be some the best memories you’ll have in eve.
  • Activities in Pochven include ore mining, getting standings with the Triglavians needed for flashpoints. We try to keep positive trig / edencom standings.
  • We have a lot of Isk making opportunities and Corp Projects.
  • Corp buyback for PI and loot
  • Ships Provided to newbro’s for ratting and fleets have SRP
  • PI centres available for free.

Our Corp is looking for:


  • Miners in Highsec, and Nullsec.
  • Porpoise and Orca Pilots that can provide Boost and Compression fleets for our members.
  • Industrial Production and ship building, Fuel Blocks
  • Haulers and Jump Freighter Pilots.
  • PVE Mission Runners, Abyssal Pilots, flashpoints (highsec and pochven), Incursion Pilots that can run fleets for group activities for the Corp or with alliance.
  • PVP Combat Pilots for PVP and CTA’s in Nullsec with our Corp and Alliance.

Corp Benefits:

  • We use the Corp projects to return a lot of isk to members, via buy back and rewards for kills.
  • Access to industrial, research, reprocessing, reactions facilities with our Corp and Alliance.
  • Access to nul sec, highsec and pochven with no PAP requirements
  • 90% Jita buyback program for all ore types, ice and loot.
  • We use Discord and voice as our main form of communication, as well as the in game channel.
  • Monthly corp hypernet raffle for ship’s bought with tax,
  • SRP for ships lost on alliance and fleet ops

To apply to the Corp:

If you like to know more contact us (https://Blades Discord)

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