Blockade Runner + Interdiction Nullifiers - Help a beginner to rule out some questions

An impel, and any other DST, can and should pulse a propulsion module to get into warp in way less then 18 seconds. Using a microwarp drive, which enables doing the cloaky MWD align trick takes 11 seconds to align the impel (12 if the implel is cloaky aligning), while pulsing an afterburner should push an impel into warp in 9 seconds (can’t cloaky align though)


But even if you’re using the MWD cloak trick, activating a T1 nullifcation module before you activate your MWD means you’re no longer nullified by the time you try to warp, which was my point.

@Sylver_Nabali probably activated their nullifier too soon, which could explain why it didn’t work for them.

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