So A Diamond Faction Blood Raider base is literally anchoring in my small system as I type.
How do I deal with this? I am not equipped to battle BR Battleships, my little Destroyer would be vaporized.
How does one become positive with this group, IF that is even possible.
This system is where I mine, and like people in Hurricane Alley, I am not leaving.
Any ideas?
Fly missions for blood raiders in NPC Delve.
Ask people who run this crap all the time. The Killboard provides with a few names of people who apparently like this unrewarding and annoying activity.
I give up, previously in High sec space I was getting taken out by groups of Players in disposable ships delighting in griefing miners and taking out there ships. Now in Hisec you have NPC ships that do incredible damage and take you out in seconds. What is the point of Hisec space? I want to love this game, there are many things I do enjoy but months worth of hard earned ISK taken out in seconds. I want Hisec top mean Hisec and safety, if I want to endanger my ship I go to Lowsec, that is the point isn’t it??
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