Bookmark Expiration

I use bookmarks a lot for Wormholes; however, my three choices for expiration time is never, 2 days, or 3 hours. My recommendation is simple, either allow the expiration to be customized where we can manually set the amount of time through a scroll bar based on amount of hours or provide a 12 hour or 24 hour option. That will lessen the administrative burden when going through and deleting old and outdated bookmarks.


You want a 1 day bookmark but theres an option for 2 days. Is an extra 24 hrs really that burdensome?

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While I agree with you Geo, I could see the usefulness of having the ability to set a timer on a bookmark.

It really is because it causes clutter in the menus and folders and if you have maxed your bookmark number, any useless bookmark is a waste.

Not to mention that the expiry dates make no sense and never have made any sense in EVE terms. There are no sites or sigs that despawn after 2 days. Wormholes always despawn after 24 hours and other sigs and anoms between 4-7 days. The expiry dates make no sense because of that and are useless for bookmarks for these things and most other things that you want to bookmark.

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I would like this change.

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