Bot reporting!

Awwww, did you get butt hurt and report me? LOL

I detect bots with my own system. First I tunnelsnake their DDOS network, and then I activate their webcam. Then I can see if it’s a robot or a human at the keyboard.

if they are not insta amazed by my bubbling exuberant personality they are bots for sure

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I’m not impressed, guess I’m banned then

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you can still play other games :smiley:

We can only hope

anyone that defends the current bot reporting system is either an idiot or a botter! i think ccp should investigate the idiots defending this garbage!

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Id say feel free to report me but that would be inciting a false report.

But if you have suspicions please ignore that and go for it.

I know what the result will be.

CCP enjoys soft botting, they ended black out so botting could commence again. If you do not want or want others to use bots then Eve online is the wrong game for you.

Botting is a cornerstone of eve online, every major entity utilises botting for mineral &
Isk generation, bar none.

Just ignore bots & use your own if you think they are so op.

But take it from someone who has owned every racial titan has had tn’s of Isk, donated 100bn’s to plex for good. Wealth in eve is meh, you’ll meet happier more fulfilled players who are running level 4’s or abysal.

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Do you have reading comprehension problems by any chance?

ewwww, LOL

Again: I never said it is fine as is. Only that the proposal as written is a waste of time. Adding comments to a system that never sends the reports to a human to read adds zero opportunities for improvement in underlying function.

As I have no experience in the bot hunting space, I cannot comment on the efficacy of the system compared to other options out there. I would not expect CCP to be a development bed for wild new concepts in bot hunting, given their small staff size; if their efforts are producing comparable results to those of, say, Blizzard or Nexon, they are objectively doing a great job.

Nobody does a perfect job of preventing botting, because bots are constantly being refined, which means anti-bot efforts are also constantly being refined, so there will always be bots in space for a period of time before the tools are adapted to catch them again - that’s the case in every game where botting adds value for the player. How well CCP adapts to new bots, or how effective their tools are at identifying them in a timely fashion, or how well their strategies around when to ban function, I cannot comment on: I cannot see this in action in a holistic sense nor do I have ready access to and comprehension of benchmark data to compare against.

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“If you don’t agree with the terrible idea that I posted, then you’re a poopoo head!” -OP, at the peak of human maturity.


Botting is a serious issue in Eve. CCP is complisant in their use because CCP profits heavily from botting. At this point a bot is actually the average player in Eve and in my experience as a PvPer in all areas of space I’d say at MINIMUM 30% of the players online at any given time are bots.

I’ve reported literally thousands of bots and it takes CCP something like 3 months to actually confirm the bot and the bans always happen at the start of a new financial quarter meaning CCP is doing as little to combat botting as they can get away with.

Furthermore, the problem is massively compounded by shills defending CCP. CCP is an EXTREMELY corrupt company at this point. I can 100% guarantee that if CCP were transparent about their finances and their stance on botting they’d be immediately sued into oblivion.

TLDR; CCP actually WANTS bots and we should be sueing CCP for fraud.


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That maybe so but I won’t be sueing. Although I suspect that botting is widespread, I do not find it detrimental to my particular playstyle at all. If CCP isn’t worried about it I’m not.
I could bot if I wanted to but it’s not important to me. What is important is the fun I get from EVE and I don’t see how botting is fun.
Plus, I already have an international case brewing. I’m not so fond of lawyers.

[waits patiently to see this on the news]

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Smells like a CCP alt to me. But even if you’re not you really need to stop giving CCP a free pass on public forums like this. Its REALLY bad for the playerbase to continue to allow CCP to sweep this under the rug. Sure it doesnt effect YOUR playstyle NOW but it WILL be the final nail in EVEs coffin if CCP doesnt start taking steps to rectify it.

I FEAR however that CCP is actually BANKING on this. Cashing the company out goes much smoother when a majority of your playerbase is a computer script that wont hold you accountable for your EXTREMELY sus business practices.

You couldn’t smell a dead rat at your feet.

Can’t wait to see it on the news.

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I’d say your tinfoil hat is badly malfunctioning or whatever medication you’re on needs a significant increase.

Making wild accusations with empty assumptions, without a shred of evidence, is usually what conspiracy theorists engage in. Think about that.

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