Bots / maybe machine learning training in Malukker

@CCP_Dopamine I’m picking on you because you have a long history of being aware, sorry.
I happen to have been in Malukker a lot lately and there is a serious problem.
Someone(s) is training bots for sure, but quite possibly a machine learning system. Most of them are in the Minmatar Militia. I’ve also reported a number of them but its still happening, is flagrantly obvious and there is an interesting pattern developing that is increasingly leading me to lean towards machine learning rather than just run of the mill bots. At this point there are hundreds of them and I’m not trying to keep track. however…
I’ve tested some of them, and its clear they aren’t people.
There are three (maybe more) types:
Ones who fly corvettes out of the station there and abandon them by the dozens.
Pairs or groups in Gnosis’s fighting and repairing each other outside of the station.
Pairs, but lots of them at once, of Sunesis’s popping out and dueling each other, then returning and docking. Over and over and over.

The only ships destroyed are the corvette in front of the station.

I have been able to test the Gnosis’s by bumping them out of range of each other, once I do that all of them dock and the cycle restarts.
Most, if not all of them, are 1 - 2 days old. and every day there are more.

This has been going on for at least three months that I am directly aware of, but likely much longer, and every few days the “behavior” advances. Most recently they have been going to training sites and anomalies and then promptly returning. I don’t know what they are doing there as I haven’t had time to really dive into this as much as it should be but I will say this:
Malukker is a new player system, and at the very least this crap is really screwing up new people as its a little bewildering to be in the middle of this mess. Sometimes there are pages and pages of wrecks in the overview making it very hard to use.

That’s it for the moment, CCP, you really ought to be monitoring that system and looking at your service logs. There is a very very large fleet of these things out there at this point and since reporting them it has not just continued, its expanded.

Its happening right now:


looks like someone farming the air career program for skill points, why do think it is machine learning lol?

Because every iteration the names but not ages advance and they add new behaviors.

I’m not saying it IS that, what I am saying is that its possible. Bots have set’s of tings to do, and generally don’t change or advance, these do both and then go somewhere else and are replaced by new ones.

let me explain

person has 2 accounts, creates an alt on each and runs the air career program, this puts skill points into the redeem queue for the main character. every 10 hours these toons can be deleted and the process repeated.

as they do this over weeks they change their strategy to optimise the time it takes to get the skill points, human learning

things like duelling each other for the soldier of fortune part, or warp to 5 anomalies for the explorer path.

I am not saying it is or isn’t botting, or if doing the npe a billion times a month is good for the game but nothing you described is against the rules

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They really need to close the loophole on the Air Program skill points abuse.


That is really interesting, and makes sense.
I do still think they are bots due to very predictable stuff like the response to being bumped out of range of each other in the case of the Gnosis’s.
Maybe I will test this even more by boosting shields and armor of one of them and increasing the damage it does. Hell, if it kills the other I can harvest free drones from the dead one and maybe loot the bloody thing… If I ever get around to it.

I completely agree on that.

Also thanks for explaining. Seriously. This maybe doesn’t solve it, but its a lot more likely.