Botting Solution

To combat the proliferation of illegal AI systems (“botting”), give players aaccess to a new technology that allows them to scan ships, engage them with a set of in-game conversational queries, and instant-report anyone that does not respond, or responds “rote” or “suspiciously”. On reporting, CCP does an investigation based on the report, checking server data, and takes action.

Upon reporting, and the report proves to be ligitimate, Concord offers a reward that’s a minute percentage of the total worth of the banned character. Say, a character owns 100 billion, the reward might be 1/1000th, and the reporting player is awarded a 100 million ISK reward.

These “scanning techniques” should only work with a scan that lasts several minutes in game. This allows the scanning party to create a verifiable audit log. The scanned character is then contact with a specific and unique “AI forensics chat” that involves a set of questions and interactions. Yes, a way to circumvent these is to “feign” a language barrier, but there are ways around that. These “forensic chats” scans should not work in high intensity fleet activity, as they can then be used to distract from ligitimate player activity.

I don’t entirely understand how you expect this plan to work as one of the defining traits of the current botting scripts at play are that they warp off at the first sign of danger.

If they are known to be bots and if CCP has some sort of way of telling if they are bots or not from their end. Why not turn them into content? Like a CCP highjack that prevents them from docking up, for the crimes of they tuuke er jerbs. Then sends out a notification via local for the whole region, the agency or notification feed And bam, lots of fun and loot to be had!

Make bots, fill them full of loot from bots.
Hunt own bots, Launder loot.

Uhhhhh, Yeah…
Also why should I be subject to a conversation & botting reports just because I don’t want to talk to you.

Seems like this is more likely to be used to grief actual players rather than bother Bots.

How is this a “solution”?

So a captcha test that’s easy to solve by machines and will cost CCP a ton of money to implement? Sounds like a fantastic idea.

For all that you’ve typed, you seem to have trouble reading. lol
Let me make it easier for you.

The main point is a Turing test will create a whole raft of false reports. Which will almost certainly be weaponised the way EVE players game the meta.

You do understand that being AFK is not illegal and not the same thing as botting?


I would answer wrong out of spite :slight_smile:

You seem like you think you know more than CCP just because you’ve read a couple of tech articles a couple of years ago.

If it’s so easy, then why don’t you go apply for a job at CCP and solve it then ? :slight_smile:

It’s real gross that you feel the need to try and show off on the internet like this, but that’s your insecurity showing, so whatever.

It’s also really weird that you’re refusing to accept that it’ll be more work and resources to implement a turing test into EVE Online. Because that will certainly stop all the botting while making it better for players to suffer through annoying “are you human” checks that are nothing more than just fancier captchas.

Pro tip, kid. Your ideas are just ideas, don’t get so attached to 'em when they get called out for being bad ideas.

Edit: :slight_smile: :wink:

How exactly is an automated system creating questions that an automated system can’t answer? That’s an obvious contradiction, if the bot can’t pass the challenge then the bot generating them can’t figure out the correct answer either.

Once again, this sounds REALLY distracting for real players, and not an enjoyable gameplay experience at all.

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This just helps the botters, because every time someone comes up with something new the programmers will adapt and improve their techniques. It’s an arms race, which can only be won by those who write bots.

Why? Because at some point that race ends where botters use sophisticated AI trained to beat any and all obstacles. When a human brain can do it, an AI will eventually be able to do it as well. It just needs the proper training, which only needs to be done once.

Not even using a webcam and forcing people to accept being filmed is an effective strategy against botting, because people could feed the webcam with a pre-recorded video or, hell, nowadays even create the whole person and movement at runtime.

There are DeepFakes for Faces, DeepFakes for Voices (is there a term for this) and in 2019 it doesn’t take years to render a realitsic looking person for a webcam feed.

The absolutely last thing one wants to do is an arms race against them.

Seriously, then wtf are you even arguing the point for?

It’s not permanent, nor a solution, in fact, it’s not even a great idea in general, pretty much sums up all the comments you’ve attempted to argue with in this thread.

I think this comment sums up your responses quite well:

Or perhaps you recently googled “Turing Test”, because seriously:

< sigh >


An interesting line of thought… you wouldn’t happen to be developing your own game by chance, you know, be a really great game developer that no one has heard of?

I ask because I’ve just had the… misfortune of reading one of your other posts and if the above is not the case then I submit to you that I, like most, enjoy reading discussions on these forums because for the most part they enhance/improve a particular point or subject matter. This is the reason I am so frustrated by your so called input, because stupid people seem to be spreading the stupid, and your input does nothing to further conversation at hand, people are all the dumber for having read it.

So yes, I am afraid that someone somewhere will take you seriously, and there isn’t much to be done about that except for questioning the stupid before it takes hold (and hope those people notice, for further proof of the spread of stupid, I direct your attention to the current president of the USA… someone somewhere took him seriously!).

Also, it’s getting late and I need to get my quota of daily rants in :slight_smile:


Now now, let us not get too carried away here, to whom will I converse if you are gone?

I can definitely and definitively say that it is much more satisfying then watching paint dry… if you haven’t tried it since the latest Waves patch you really should get out there and start shoveling!!


Interestingly I was talking on discord with a friend about this. My idea is that CCP has all it takes to smash bots hard. Right now. No fancy Turing tests or stuff like that is needed. It is all about analysing wallet data.

Market bots: look at the 100 ISK transactions required to update and order. On a 24 hours timeframe is super easy to spot bots, or at the very least flag suspicious accounts, which could be suspended upon further investigations. Yeah this will generate some false positive, that’s the reason I am talking about further investigations. Still worth doing it to sanitise Eve economy health.

Ratting bots: first of all the information on the ratting systems have always been in place, for example check Dotlan reports (which is showing CCP data :smiley: ): there are systems where 30.000+ NPCS are killed daily. This is absolutely not possible to do manually; second, this as well causes clear evidences in players wallets. This action could have a bigger impact: they’d “discover” that big part of the rented systems are used for botting so you could hit renting alliances other than renters.

Common counter arguments could be: “But there’s people with no life that rat 23/7 or market 23/7”. Their problem, if you have this uncommon gaming style, you can also afford to show you are legit.