I’m using a research facility as:
Azbel (20% reduce research time),
with Standup L-Set ME Research Optimization I (20% reduce research time)
in a Hi-Sec place (index 1.x).
My character’s skills as following:
Metallurgy V (ME research time boost 25%)
Advanced Industry V (research time reduce 15%)
with the implant “Zainou ‘Beancounter’ Metallurgy MY-705” (ME research time boost 5%)
Now I wanna do the ME Research for Armageddon Blueprint (Rank 60) from Lv.0 to Lv.10
What is the accurate formula for this project time?
I’m using a research facility as:
Azbel (20% reduce research time),
with Standup L-Set ME Research Optimization I (20% reduce research time)
in a Hi-Sec place (index 1.x).
My character’s skills as following:
Metallurgy V (ME research time boost 25%)
Advanced Industry V (research time reduce 15%)
with the implant “Zainou ‘Beancounter’ Metallurgy MY-705” (ME research time boost 5%)
Now I wanna do the ME Research for Armageddon Blueprint (Rank 60) from Lv.0 to Lv.10
What is the accurate formula for this project time?
But at the moment,
I dont have the character nor the Azbel.
I cant see the ideal situation.
And I wanna start a business with BPO research,
Armageddon Blueprint Just a example.
And I guest the accurate formula wouldnt be just simply add up,
otherwise just 20%+20%+25%+15%+5%=85% reduce?
It seems unlikely.
And I browse everywhere,
still cant find the formula.
So I have a ME9 Revelation BPO in a nullsec t1 rigged Sotiyo. I also have metallurgy 5, advanced industry 5, and a 5% research implant.
The Uniwiki page linked in your other thread says that base time for ME10 would be 256,000 seconds, and a dread BPO is rank 200, so base time should be about 592 days. If I multiply all the bonuses together, I calculate a time of ~145 days, but the game tells me that it takes ~112 days to actually do it. For reference, the nullsec bonus for a t1 rig is -42% time and the role bonus is -30%.
this site’s “Facility” option doesnt work with research time,
the “Time Calculations” just shows the base research time affect by skill,
and the “Facility” option only for the Manufacturing.
each bonus is applied to the job time multiplicatively, rounded down each (? not sure) .
bpo me base time = 256 000 (lvl10)×60 (rank ) = 15 360 000 s
time ×= (100-15)/100 <= advanced industry
time×= (100-25)/100 <= metallurgy
time ×= (100-20)/100 <= azbel
time ×= (100-20)/100 <= rig
=> total 6 266 880 s = 72d12h48min
since it’s over 30D you can’t do it at once.
I forgot to add the implant, it’s the same.
now I understand
the formula is
( 1 - Engineering complexes Role bonuses ) x ( 1 - Rig bonuses x Location coefficient) x ( 1 - Skill bonus ) x ( 1 - implant bonus ) x BPO research basic time x BPO rank
thanks again!