Hey Brisc, could you explain this comment? Just curious…
Great to have a real life professional like yourself flying around in New Eden and loving this wonderful digital world we’re all in together. Hope you will make it again!
This is a can of worms if there ever was one.
It was a joke, referring to how CNN is viewed by a certain portion of the electorate as the headquarters for FAKE NEWS and a person I know, who happens to live across the street from my office, complains about them making stuff up about him all the time.
Your office is across the street from the White House?? Cool
Yep, one of them.
I would like to know your opinion about “conflict driver” and what are your ideas
i have a specific question aswell about something who existed before and was removed : Passive moon, what are your position about that, bad/good does active moon are more beneficial than passive and if you would like to see them’ come back what you think CCP should change about 'em ?
i strongly believe Active Moon was a total mistake just like Rorqual, when Rorqual encouraged Supercap meta Active Moon encouraged stagnation and “krabbing meta” i’m a bit pissed to see a small minority of people realizing that, some CSM candidate like Phantomite and Blazzingbunny seem to care about conflict driver that’s why i would like to ask every other candidate in order to turn Eve “krab meta” into a “perpetual war” just like it should be
as an Eve/CSM Veteran and a frequent let’s say “interviewer” on metashow and TIS you’v seen and heard a lot of thing your response should be wise, thanks
Brisc got a lot of things done for the FW community, and presented to the devs a lot of the issues we were concerned with.
So just for that, he gets my trust when it comes to caring about EVE and its players. I do agree with a lot of the points Olmeca raised, but overall I think we are dealing with someone who has more positives than negatives.
Conflict Drivers are the top item on my list on my website. Click here to see it.
Specifically on passive moons, here’s what I wrote about that:
- The Return of Passive Income – Money Trees to Fight Over
When CCP changed the moon mining system to move it away from a passive income generation stream to requiring active mining of moons, nullsec players lost one of the key alliance level assets that created conflict. Fights over R64 moons were some of the most obvious, and important, battles in EVE for a long time, and that was lost when passive income went away.
CCP should explore whether creating a new form of passive income – one that is significant enough to be worth fighting over, but not economy breaking – could help drive conflict in nullsec.
First campaign commercial released!
Do you like the space fog and super-bright suns?
Not at all.
Maybe this guy isn’t SO bad.
Brisc, you’re #3 on my ballot, and the only reason it’s not #2 is because Mike is running.
Well so far, Brisc is my #1 and Mike is my #2… hadn’t seen anybody else i really like… Def not brewlar or Komi.
Can’t speak to the decisions others make but I welcome any questions about my own candidacy. (on my forum post, not here.)
Very pleased that I have an extra of the most important key for a nullsec line member like me arrived in the mail today. Never be without one.
You’re my favorite boomer Brisc. I think you’re a really cool and nice guy, i hope you win.
Don’t take it too seriously though. Remember… this is just a game bro.
Fly safe.
But it’s not RGB