Broaden Black Ops Battleships' potential with directional scan immunity

Knowing what your opponent is flying is very significant and this knowledge is routinely posted into intel channels precisely because it is so important, it therefore, MUST improve BLOPs game play in k-space.

You have my vote for this!!

Would love if the Black Ops ships would be more usefull/versatile for other things, than just cynoing in on other players once in a while.

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Thatā€™s basically it. How many hulls in the game are literally used for one thing, for five minutes at a time, ever?

I mean I know itā€™s a slight exaggeration but it feels like wasted design space.

Itā€™s a jump capable, bridge capable T2 ships. By CCP design, this mean it should be specialized to doing those things.

You know what Blops do? Bridge stuff AND jump on stuff. Itā€™s literally doing exactly what itā€™s specialty should be.


Youā€™ve basically described a structure. Basically, a jump bridge that can also jump. How exciting.

And a lot of people think that is not enough, hence the reason for threads like this.

And there is no ā€œshould beā€ in computer games. CCP can and have redesigned ships and modules.

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Since I feel like trolling, Iā€™ma point out that you do have covops mining ships already :wink: Thatā€™s even better than dscan immune, because belts are all easy to find without probes.

My whole post was a troll. They want to add d-scan immunity to a ship with cloak bonuses. If they get that I want mining barges/exhumers + booster ships with d-scan immunity as well and I want ore anomalies to be scanned down so I can see probes on d-scan from hostile a-holes. So I can get safe easier. :nerd_face:

Basically add a 4th barge exhumer - has yield of skiff/proc/mac/retriever and immune to d-scan. 10-20k m3 ore bay. And a porpoise with d-scan immunity as well. :heart_eyes:

Whst are the benefits of the cloak bonus (ie. what is it really useful for)? Just asking to see if you really understand what youā€™re talking about.

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Yet havenā€™t outlined the benefits at all. What are the benefits of the cloak bonus?

The clock bonus on a blop sucks, but it does the ship well as they can rape someone in the butt then warp off and cloak.

If you want D-scan immunity, then remove any ablilty to fit a cloak from the BLOP.

Warp off and cloak. So like any other ship in the game, including the combat recons that have d-scan immunity?

Thatā€™s not the benefit that the BLOPs cloak bonus provides. That is literally just the same as every other hull available that canā€™t fit a covops cloak.

The benefit of the clock bonus is that the covops can reach alignment while cloaked, and then decloak and warp instantly. Unlike other hulls that suffer a reduction in top speed when cloaked (not covops cloak capable ships), the cloak bonus of covops increases the speed of the ship.

However, the base speeds of the 4 BLOPs are:

Redeemer: 117 m/s
Widow: 106 m/s
Sin: 117 m/s
Panther: 146 m/s

The speed of a capsule is 150 m/s

A capsule is faster than the base speed of the BLOPs ships.

In any situation where you need to actually cloak in order to align to warp, almost any ship in the game is faster and almost all ships are capable of decloaking a BLOPs during their long align times (about 8-10 seconds base align time).

Effectively, the cloak bonus is inneffective in situations where it is actually needed.

Other then that, it provides 0 bonus compared to any other hull in the game.

Itā€™s easy to claim people should have their head dunked in a bucket when you donā€™t actually understand what you are talking about.

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Thatā€™s one of the most simpleton responses Iā€™ve seen in the forum. If you canā€™t think in the broader sense, why even bother responding.

As to the rest, again no. You are wrong.

The cloak bonus doesnā€™t just 0 out the negative effects of a non covops cloak. Depending on skills, they gain a speed increase (but the speed increase is useless in situations where it is actually needed. It is completely ineffective). Jeez, go look at some data and learn about what you are posting on. Stupid posts only show how little you know.

As a result, your opposition reduces to just ā€œI thinkā€. No actual objective look at the ships. No understanding of how the mechanics work before concluding a position. Just ā€œI think, therefore dunk your headsā€. Typical in the forum unfortunately.

BLOPs donā€™t use a reduced targeting delay from cloak deactivation. They cyno onto target and fight instantly anyway.

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Except you havenā€™t.

Youā€™ve just shed tears about how the idea is dumb, without even understanding the mechanics you are trying to discuss, as clearly shown by your responses that show a complete lack of knowledge.

Perhaps if you hadnā€™t come in telling people to go dunk their head for having an opinion, the same attitude wouldnā€™t be coming back at you.

Canā€™t take it. Donā€™t dish it out. Itā€™s just typical carebear hypocracy to cry about being treated a way you donā€™t like when thatā€™s the very attitude you bought into the thread.

So first, go learn what you are talking about. Until then, your posts just demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge of the BLOPs game, despite having been dropped by BLOPs plenty of times (25 BLOPs on killmails of yours). It just looks like tears over past losses.

BLOPs are on the roadmap for a balance pass. Faceplant.

When better to discuss possible changes than when we already know they are going to be looked at?


The cloak bonus is good for align instant warp from decloakā€¦ and thatā€™s about it. In 98% of cases where you are jumping or bridging this bonus is pointless. In other cases where youā€™d need to escape, like getting bubbled, an MJD is probably more useful.

Definitely true. Iā€™d happily see the speed bonus get replaced with tank or some kind of useful utility. Sure it helps you get into warp fasterā€¦ if youā€™re retarded and warping gate to gate Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be very helpful.

In virtually every situation where you both SHOULD and CAN use your warp drive (successful gank, warp off to something to wait out jump cap) the number of times a cloaky warp trick will help approaches zero.

If itā€™s not a successful gank, odds are youā€™re targeted anyways and about to make a pretty light show.

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I hate to doublepost but I also hate to say ā€œreplace it with somethingā€. So hereā€™s a try at it.

Instead of increasing speed by 25% per level, increase scan res by 25% per level. Nothing says gank faster than a 10 second lock time lol.

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I think they need to be able to warp cloaked. They are already Immune to Dscan when they are in their usual cloak.
Battleship lock time makes them pretty balanced.
If Nestor followed suite people would actually use it.

If your worried about your krabbing a legion has a faster lock time and can bring in friends anyway, your just more likely to be fighting a solo ganker with these changes.
Also can make big fights a lot more interesting with a cloaked blops fleet able to cherry pick targets in a widespread battlefield.

I donā€™t like this idea at all.

If you want dscan immunity, just cloak.


This is not a reason to buff any ship except new player ships which this is not.

Making things soloable has been a plague on the game.