so i have an issue with pi mats being taken randomly from storage locations. I’ve made a thread about it here and i was hoping CCP could come up with a solution so that we can either set priority for which location a factory will draw its required mats from or simply follow the order in which mats are routed, the issue is that produced materials can get crushed /destroyed. in my set up I’m routing my gel matrix bio paste back to launch pads but the advanced factories that make the tier 2 precursor mats are randomly drawing mats from my storage facilities randomly meaning there is the potential for the launch pads to fill up with GMBP and not have room because the t1 mats in the launch pads aren’t being used in the correct order.
Not sure if this helps or not; I use one storage location for each duplicate precursor type used. For instance, if you are making two different products that use Oxygen, use a storage facility as source for one, and a launchpad for the other. What I found happens sometimes if Product A and Product B both use the same material, and are pulling from the same source location, then if Product A finishes it’s second to last cycle even a split second before Product B does, it will “steal” Product A’s allocation of material to try and fill the next cycle.
You could always duplicate routes from each source?
It’s not a bug though, it’s just bad routing on your side?
When routing multiple sources instead of one to your factory you get some randomness and unpredictability for how fast the launchpads will empty the first few cycles.
As I said in your other thread you can leave a little space in those launchpads empty to avoid this issue caused by your routing.
the issue isn’t the first few cycles, it happens latter in the cycle as it randomly decides to stop taking p1 mats from the launch pad and then the takes p1 mats from other storage and then that stops the launch pad from emptying and making room for the finished product which is then LOST!
I assumed the factories picked randomly from the launchpad or the storage.
Given that P1 → P3 compression reduces the volume by a factor 10, there should be enough place left in the launchpads if at least some cycles have been taken from the launchpad.
… unless the factories consistently pick from the storage instead of launchpad, which isn’t what I had in mind with ‘randomly’.
If that is the case, there still is a simple routing solution to fix your issue:
- leave some space empty in your launchpads
- route everything to store in an empty launchpad or storage
Workaround is to have dedicated storage for each intermediate mat that needs buffering.
Typically 1 for each P0, if you extract.
A picture of your installation would help, though.
I guess you are building gel-matrix P3 from P1
So 1 P3F, 6 P2F ?
I guess in that case, using several launchpads for taking in the P1 should be enough since then the routing is direct (no need for buffer)
look at the thread in the OP, you’ll see the picture of what they are using.
the factories drawing mats randomly from storage on planets issues is just a visual glitch, if I delete or make a new link and hit submit mat counts in all storage get properly updated AND you can actually set priority in order of routing, so if you route mats from a launch pad then a storage it will always take mats from the launch pad first and then the storage, you can see in the pics that after I deleted an extra link that the values in the storage and the launch pads were correctly updated. so no worries about crushed jellies
you can see in the first pic that the numbers are off in the storage but after deleting an extra link the levels are back to what they should be at.
@stefnia_Freir @Arthur_Aihaken @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras @Gerard_Amatin @Davidius_Pratticus thanks for trying to help, i have solve the issue of the mats randomly being drawn from storage and also have discovered that routing in order sets a “hidden” priority of material draw from storages, see above posts for details.
Nice to hear you can indeed define a priority for the routes!
yes absolutely, it was just a visual bug, my factories are cooking along perfectly, no need to worry about crushed mats provided that you set your mats to route with priority from the storage that mats produced are being routed too.
Seems i spoke to soon, at some point the factories begain drawing from one of the storage facilities befor the launch pads were empty. Some assistance or acknowledgement from CCP on this issue would be appreciated.
I have unchecked the “solved” button as this issue persits and is interfering with proper use of pi facilities.
so 21 processor, seems to be 1 P3F + 3×2P2F 3 times
Why do you have everything in your barren storage ? I guess you dump in launchpad, then expedite. But that would be a mess to decide what is drive where.
so here’s my set up, if you look at launch pads 1a,b and c they contain mats for just their color group so 1a has p1 mats for the construction of biocells which are then routed back to their respective launch pads which are then routed to the advanced factories producing the GMBP, the storage facilities hold equal amounts of all p1 mats for the construction of all p2 mats, nothing is routed back to them as they are to empty out after the launch pads. i import mats down to the launch pads and expedite them to storage and then fill up the launch pads with the p1 mats required for their respective colored group, the issue is that mats are being drawn from the storage facilities before the launch pads, this creates the potential for the GMBP to be destroyed once sent to the launchpads that aren’t emptying in the correct order. this is a bug!
Why ? You can route them directly to the P3F. Factories have a buffer of one input.
Then from the P3F back to the launchpad, since P2>P3 is compression.
You can also route launchpad > storage to be sure your launchpad won’t be filled with anything.
something like
LP LP LP - -
P2F1 P2F2 P2F3\ |
P2F1 P2F2 P2F3 - P3F
P2F1 P2F2 P2F3\ |
P2F1 P2F2 P2F3 - P3F
P2F1 P2F2 P2F3\ |
P2F1 P2F2 P2F3 - P3F
Not sure if it works though (CPU wise). But there should not be a need for intermediate storage.
sure i didn’t think of that, but it doesn’t solve the issue of p1 mats being drawn randomly.
you cannot route from storage to storage.
my b, I thought you could. Long time no PI.
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