C4 wh corp looking for experienced players

Hello there,

We are Drifters, a group of mostly old ass vets and some new bros we’ve met a long the way. We are currently opening doors again after taking a little break. We’re US tz based, Mostly PST and AU tz. Recruiting all tz though. We’re currently living in a C4 with BH effects, c2/c4 statics, our primary goal is to have fun and pew as often as possible. We are looking for players wanting to do some pvp or whatever floats our boat for the night. Wh’s, do whatever ya want right. Experience and the skill points needed to fly multiple doctrines is a necessity in wh’s. We aren’t apposed to less experienced or skilled players but would require a trial period.

We’re looking to fill out our current active tz’s PST-Auzziemania. Open to all though, specially East coast US.

Hop in our pub channel in game: BHD Public
Anyone in channel can help you out or point you to someone who can help you out.

bump to the top

Found one good recruit so far, be the next,

Talked to a couple others the last two days. Keep them coming

Lets go aussie TZ! Need more numbers!

Always looking, Hop in pub channel and have a chat with us in game and in discord.

Still looking for more members!