C5 Wormholes for Rent and Sale -- the most trusted name in w-space!

Lots still available. Don’t be shy!

Op updated with availability.

6/4 Black Hole is added.

Come make some great isk/hour!

Krab in peace in a nice, safe wormhole today :slight_smile:

Tired of losing 400m ishtars? Start losing 2b marauders today!


5/5 vanilla added

5/5 sold

We’re wheeeeeeelin’ ‘n deeeeealin’ at Xzalia’s eXploration and X-fer service

Have any 3s or 4?

You have the lnk for the kill or is his point correct ?

I do not

I think their argument can be judged on its own. Plus, I only suspect the char I killed was theirs since the arguments were the same and made in short order.

Busy week. Adding a 5/3 Mag, 5/4 RG, 5/4 Pulsar, 5/5 Vanilla.

How much will vanilla cost from 5 to 5?

I think the 5/5 is already spoken for. Let me follow up in a day or two if things fall through or I can acquire another.

5/5 is gone. Still lots of 5s available.

Arithmos Tyrannos waits for you in your new home

Got some C5 Magnetars and Red Giants available. Easy mode PVE


Calling all krabs