Can corvette's take out a titan?

Bleh, same exact mistake again.

86(DPS) * 23(hours) * 60(minutes) * 60(seconds) = 7,120,800(DPD)

60,000 / 7,120,800 = 9 Impairors (rounded up)

which is what you originally said. Correcting for both hours, seconds and minutes I come to only needing 36 basic corvettes (20DPS) plus what’s needed to break tank to kill a titan within a day, nowhere near the TiDi limit. That would be an absolute hilarious killmail to see though.

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Its been done. 8 or 10 years ago. There was even a video.

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Definitely would make game news headlines.

Titan caught by Corvette Fleet - Destroyed by a million stings.

Sounds like its time to crash SISI XD

The answer is 3

…or mega TiDi :joy:

In theory, yes.
In practice, no.

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You only need one pilot and that would be Skywalker, flying the Corvette straight into the titan weakness and shoot at it, cause a chain reaction and blew up the titan.
Then fly out in one piece like a badass XD

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