Cannot connect to test server

I want to run an expensive ship and try to connect to a test server.
But my description is not able to login to the test server.
Cannot log in if the account name / password is different.
Verification please.

I made a change that I forgot my password two weeks ago.
I cannot know the password before the change.

Aioku KyuU,

Your problem is the fact that the test server has not mirrored your password over from the live server so your password for the test server will be what it was before you reset it. Basically you will either have to remember your password or wait for the next mirror which should be in March I think.

It can be frustrating and it has happened to me before but I would recommend writing your password on your phone or on a piece of paper near to your computer so that if you ever forget you can remind yourself.

I hope this information was helpful!

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