Capsuleer Outfitters is looking for more Nutjobs

Come get some jobs, for the nuts out there of course. We offer employee benefits.

Still looking for quality members. If you’re looking to undock and inflict space violence on someone, we’re looking for you.

Hell we’ll even take quantity .

Daily Bumpage.

Still looking.

Bumps for bros

Still recruiting.

Daily Bumpage.

Come by and see us.

Need a hand… We’ve got one and a hook free.

Still recruiting.

Also handieeee individuals

Giving reach around to the next 4 successful applicants. Want to know more? Join now.

Ever wanted to be a dinomite playa, neither do we but we’re joining the big boys in test-tickles and recruiting hard. Join goat farm in-game to chat we’d like to reach around the barrier making you clench to your old norms and embrace the memeology.

Bumpity Bump Padabump

Come give us a shout.

need more experienced goats to help the KIDS!!!

also looking to build our industry wing so come and talk to us in game at GOAT PUB.

Daily bumpage.

Still recruiting.