In NPC Corp (lowsec)
Positive Wallet
Implants: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
- Have around 8-9b implants
- Jump Clones:
- No Kill RIghts
Born in: 2021.12.30 - 12:58Hr
Attributes map: link below
Skillmaps: Quantum Anomaly
This toon has been used for mostly Minmatar caps (Carrier n supercarrier)
You can post your bid, thanks
ok its good for me, accepted bid
Hello, sry for my delay. Still valid ?
Yes, send isk and post it here to check
ok give me some minutes
to Morpheo Concordia Matrix ?
Isk sendet to
Morpheo Concordia Matrix
sendet a ingame mail with account name
transfer has been started
sale is complete please close this threat
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