Cash Grab by ccp with newest skin. Over $40!?

Yeah I know, its just how more than often limited things get so expensive when the item distribution is terminated for good

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The funny thing in that example is blues were only most expensive because they were the one people kept the least of lol. White’s, red, and greens are available in more numbers and more widely traded.
Blue purple and yellow were less popular but only blue ended up being the rarest afterwards.

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No. The riots were because CCP was threatening to include “pay to win” in the form of gold ammo and special ships. Fancy skins and dresses and monocles do not affect PvP in any way and CCP is free to create as many of them as there are people willing to pay for them.

Edit: not to mention charging people who develop 3rd party apps like Dotlan and EVEmon etc a yearly fee of $100 or so for the honor of making EVE Online better.

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It’s not an issue for me, I’ve just spent more than that on a single shot adapter for my air rifle.

Players will buy what they want and what they can afford.

In world of SP injectors people still didn’t seems to understand that we already have this in the game. If someone is willing to pay for SP he will advantage over someone who doesn’t. I know a guy who started half year ago and already has same SP level as I am 4 year player.


Straw man. We did not have SP injectors when the Jita Riots happened.

Also - what’s the difference between paying CCP for skill point injectors or RMT’ing some ISK in order to buy a highly skilled toon from another player? The difference is CCP makes real money and a driver for RMT is removed from the game.

First of, no one, least of all I, argued anywhere that skins should be free. I do not get where you read that in any of my posts, for instance, and why you get so strung up on that misconception in your head. They would come, like anything else from missions, ratting, trading, ganking, exploration and whatnot else. I really don’t understand how you got the misconception that anyone here wants them for free. All we argued for was that they should not cost extra RL money. That is all. :thinking:

I am not fooling myself into believing that thousands of players would return or start playing just because of that. However, positive press about a thing in EVE that does not involve Tidi lag fests (which drives away people who got lured into EVE by that lie of awesomness) about something that other games require you to pay for will undoubtedly bring in and keep more players playing and gives them something to grind ISK/standings/interesting Events instead of what we currently have where characters and players leave all the time without new ones coming back in. Just my perception of how enjoyable gameplay focused development of EVE should look like. But it again appears that I am in a minority with this opinion.

You are, however, fooling yourself into thinking that skins are “valuable and expensive” ingame just because they cost RL money. Since introduction of skins, most of them have been selling well under the PLEX equivalent price that they cost to acquire. With drop rates in PVE, for instance, you can make them as worthless as Tritanium or valuable as officer mods.

Some cost extra RL money, others don’t.

CCP isn’t gonna be seen as a shiny beacon of goodwill by offering them all for in game grinding of whatever scale. People are used to extra cosmetic stuff costing real money.

you can already get them by missioning, ratting, trading, etc etc. just buy them with isk off the market. if they are selling “well under plex equivalent” then your actually getting them for under cost.

one way or another, the skins cost money to develop. that money will either come from the people who buy the skins for cash as they do now. or its going to come from the sub cost which is going to cut into the overall development budget.

if people aren’t willing to grind isk, in order to buy the skins from another player on the market, then what makes you think they would want to come back and grind isk, standings, etc to get them from pve content?

The fact that you can get them yourself by running mission, go explore space, run around hunting other people exploring space to get them and so on without having to invest RL money into it beyond the subscription, directly or indirectly? You know, EVE activities of people in space, doing what they like to do most: Flying space ships.

And again: higher subscription numbers trump farming whales. Nothing more will get taken from the overall development budget than it already does or does not.

I wasn’t refereing to jita riots just P2W argument.

That’s highly dependent on the number and size of said whales.

No. If you don’t buy it you are still voting with your wallet. I don’t buy skins, don’t care. So I am sending a signal to CCP by not buying…which is what voting is, a type of signal.

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except you can already get them yourself by doing all of the above things that you have mentioned AND it includes an extra step of interaction with another player.

so again, if people aren’t willing to spend the time running missions, exploring, etc to get the isk to buy them from another player on the market. what makes you think they would be willing to do the same thing for a CHANCE at getting them as a drop?

No, if anything somebody like me is free riding on those who do buy skins.

The same reason why people farm for escalations, scan for exploration sites, farm faction spawns, officer spawns, farm ISK in null sec, and so on? It is not like that you can’t get them on the market under the new scenario either. In fact, more people would probably buy them because those like me would be more willing to spend ISK and time to get them, too.

you can already do that though. so whats stopping you?

The fact that they are only there because of additional RL money payments? As said above. :thinking: I pay subscription worth full games every month and do not pay more money than that for the game and things that should be in the game. Period.

It’s cosmetic. Stuff like this helps them stay afloat amidst the cries of “EVE is dying.” I don’t see the problem.


and you don’t have to pay a cent more, you can already go out, grind the isk, and buy the skins you want.
since you can already do that, and i would assume anyone who likes the game enough to pay for a sub, and wants to grind for the skins, can already do it, and is already doing it.

why do you think that somehow magically more people would sub, (and it would need to be enough people subbing to cover the lost revenue from the skins) in order to do exactly what they can already do now.

the real issue seems to be that the price of skins is too expensive for your taste. you don’t want to spend oog money (which is fair) but you also don’t want to spend the time IG grinding for them, otherwise you wouldn’t be here complaining. so if your not willing to spend the time grinding the isk for the skins, why do you think there are somehow hundreds of players out there. who would happily sub to eve, if only there was some way for them to do exactly what they can do already?