…those days when you know that you’re toast…
The cat had one job, but when cats screw up they use the same tactics:
Fang please stop I am very vulnerable and my mind is running on ideas that should not concern you.
George on one of his many cushions.
Don’t let their cuteness fool you
So I have been feeding this female feline for over a year now and I had named her Sally.
Well last Saturday two male tomcats started to hang around and I don’t offer them food. There is an issue with the stray cats in the neighbourhood and the State law on the animals act was changed back in 2019 to state that cats can roam freely, this also introduced many no-kill rehoming private ventures to open up with many websites requesting donations with various statements about the number percentage of cats rehomed / rescued etc.
The issue is that the male cats spray and neighbours here don’t like cats. Many older folks don’t have pets and the ones I had spoken with keep either birds or fish.
Now today I had spent many phone calls to various shelters, rescue places and they all are over loaded with strays.
Could the current economic global crisis be causing the increase of people not taking care of their neighbourhood unwanted cats?
The local council told me that since the change that they no longer sent out inspectors to trap the feral cats.
I think it had become worse since Covid lockdowns eased and well many cats are let loose without being desexed. As cruel as that might sound, I think it is better than culling though here is me with a big heart and warmth in my mind to do something about this cat in particular.
So this week I had been thinking to take her to be desexed, vet vaccinated and then while she is still sedated bath her, before returning her to where she likes to stay the most.
Anywho just something that is going on in my situation and just wanted to share such.
I’m a cat person and feel that every cat should have a good life!
Has she already had kittens? If not you will be putting an end to her genetic line. What if this had been done to the first Frostpacker?
Have you considered taking the cats to Cat Island (Tasmania) ?
George does not want her desexed either
George was desexed before he had selected me as his official fur parent the day had sat inside the kitten enclosure.
He chose me by climbing onto me and when I was filing in form to adopt a cat, one of the questions asked had you already interacted with one of our kittens.
His papers state his name as Garcia, I had kept that name as his family name and then named him George Garcia
Didn’t like cats.
My minion decided I would be her mistress whether I wanted her or not.