We love lowsec PvP, if you do too, then please have a look at us.
This is what we offer:
✪ Very active corp in USTZ.
✪ Experienced in low sec warfare, solo, small gang.
✪ Gate Camping, BLOP’s, and Dread drops.
✪ New bro friendly, must be willing to train into corp doctrines and learn to hunt.
✪ Drama free and fun loving environment.
✪ Mumble and Discord.
✪ Our goal is to paint our Kill Board RED, even though we consistently fail, it’s our goal.
✪ Target rich environment.
This is what we are looking for:
✪ Willingness to engage, if not be down right THIRSTY.
✪ A good attitude, and a sense of humor.
✪ A logi alt, or be willing to get one.
✪ Self sufficient, although we will help you get started.
✪ Be on coms with a working mic.
✪ Be willing to travel, some content needs to be chased down.
✪ Be willing to shoot fireworks at PODs before popping them
If interested please join our PUB Derpocity Public