CCP and the Driffters

Then it shouldn’t be hard to find them. Go fetch.

Learn to read, go find them yourself.

Ok, so you’re conceding the point that no structures have been killed in Highsec by drifters. Good to know.

For reference, here are some structures killed in Nullsec by Drifters:

Spoiler: The reason you can’t find any lossmails is because none exist.

Here’s a screenshot of the ZKB Drifter stats collected since their stats have been reported. You’ll notice there have only been 2 upwell structure kills. 1 citadel and 1 refinery. Both of which I’ve already shown took place in nullsec (Etherium Reach killmails, as I’ve posted in my previous comment).

So you’re either straight up lying, or you’ve got some insider knowledge that not even ZKB has.

So which is it?

Edit: At BEST you have this.

Which is a POS stick. Whose mechanics are very different from structures. And a single POS stick seems like a very far cry from your claim that highsec generally has “adapted”.

So again. Show us those loss mails, or sit down.

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All this bellyaching over two structures? That’s around 15 minutes of null botting to replace.

The way y’all are whining, I thought you were losing stuff at a rate of hundreds per day. This just keeps getting more pathetic.


FOB rats drop nothing at all (just the FOB’s themselves), and many hisec player just cannot deal with them, they feel just like nullsec does now, does that even compute. But there are people like me who said, I want to destroy those FOB’s and I set myself up to do just that and I enjoy the content.

I go and help people by removing them, once did 35 jumps to go and help someone who lost an Orca and a Skiff to them and there was two FOB’s in her system.

This is why when I see the collective fit of nullsec at the drifters as being over done, not ignoring the simple fact that the Goons are trying to take advantage of this to carry out their long term economic attack on hisec.


Yeah right, those first two KM’s have players listed with the NPC’s doing damage. That last one, which is High Sec, is an NPC Only killmail.

Anyway, not gonna sit down or shut up, if you can’t deal with something that High Sec has been dealing with for years, then GTFO.

My point is that you guys haven’t actually been “dealing with [it] for years”. So stop giving yourself credit for things you’ve never done.

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Dude, stop putting words in my mouth. I never said I had to deal with it but a lot of players in High Sec have been dealing with it for quite a while now. If you say otherwise, then you’re a liar.

Where should this have been ?

Trigs ? Where you get a message about which system is actually invaded ?
Where you get a benefit and where your structures are still safe ?
Where you can choose to fight or not to fight ?

Tell me more .

FOB’s have been here for I think a couple of years and of course the Drifters were coming out of their WH’s near those Jove stations. I would say in terms of firepower and ability the Drifters are the nullsec equivalent of FOB’s rats in terms of impact and hisec just sucked it up, many people did moan but you know they got ignored.

Also there are rather a lot of FOB’s dotted around, so it is a major impact.

In terms of structures the pinging of structures is the same, when I was on holiday I ended up with about 30 such pings, but they did not reinforce it. On the subject of structures being destroyed in hisec I am unaware of that happening, but this is a step up in terms of nullsec, but my view is that nullsec can handle it. I just think CCP just need to do a better job in terms of the content in someway, but they have to do it in such a away that the min/max attitude of the Goons and others doesn’t turn it into a joke.

Here is the thing I don’t like about the drifters, it is the DD. However the ones in nullsec don’t have the DD as far as I can tell but here is the next issue, if you are caught you cannot get out due to their ultra long point and their speed, so it is all rather annoying. It is a roll of the dice, something that the Mittani just said on the TIS Discord and I agree with him. Russian roulette in fact as he said.

When I was in Stain a very smart player worked out how to farm drifters and I was part of his team at times and it involved a very heavily tanked Dread to take the DD, while us minions were webbing it and using web drones, first time I ever used those things. That was how he became the first person to kill drifters without losing a ship in the exchange.

No they haven’t.

If you know anyone who has, feel free to ask them to come in here and give their accounts. Because until then, you’re just straight up lying and trying to dodge the issue by pretending there are these mysterious highsec players who’ve been “dealing with” Drifters for the last several years.

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I’m sure some players will find that info for you, personally I won’t do it because quite frankly, I don’t give a ratsass one way or another.

However I will say that I’ve noticed you burning the candle at both ends, first you oppose Null Sec posters then you turn around and oppose High Sec posters. All you do is oppose everything anyone posts in these forums.

That’s because I dislike carebears equally.

I don’t pick sides like you because in EVE, it doesn’t work that way. You can’t just pick a side and expect the rest of the universe to be okay with it. It just shows how little you understand of the game if you’re willing to make it a “highsec vs nullsec” or a “highsec vs lowsec” thing. Being that closed minded is nothing more than a sign that you don’t actually know much about the game.


Maybe if you left your little echochamber for once, you’d see that there’s a lot more to the game than just your little bubble.


I think the HS pubbies don´t realize, that they are unhappy because they weren´t able to create such big alliances and were not able to emphase anything.
Playing alone sucks and it´s never their own fault…

So they are not able to understand what the bad idea of CCP has been, bacause they live in their “my little pony” world. where concorde kills your enemies, trigs tell you where they are and where everything is save.

Ever thought about, what 20 defensefleets / day would be like ? without ever be able to stop this situation on your own ? No meta is working, you structurec get reffed before you could arrive (even with bridges / titans because of stupid tidy when forming a 200man fleet).

A trig-like invasion, even with stronger enemies would be fine.
But something like bombersbar on drugs, with unlimited ressources, spawning somewhere and shooting everything … Here I think people dont´t get it -> “vulunderable” doesn´t mean “unsupported”, it means they attack in your vulundarable timer" -> so they can kill your citadels…

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Speak for yourself, Mr Sheeple.


Hit a nerve ?

Best news all day so far

Its true.

All this enjoyment of the whining and crying must be fantasy