CCP and the EVE Economy

Fitting one is already going to cost 15-20 million. the hull was more than correctly priced at 50M.

100M ISK frigate hulls are a joke.

Obviously the market decides this stuff. My point is, currently EVE’s economy is still in a massive recession and stagflation.

It was nice to see Goons, Frat, PH, and Test, all put aside their differences and come together to deliver a beat-down to a small group of random high-sec mercs who declared war on TTC. I was super-delighted to see local light up like a Christmas tree with hyper-toxic smacktalk from our venerable REAL PvPers from that area of space where all of the best players in the game like to hang out.

It’s a good thing that people are finally fighting back against the griefer scourge wardec merc scumbags, who know of no ways to play the game aside from picking on the little guys like the three biggest alliances in the game, with TEST being the #15 wild card in the epic battle against the dozen or so defenders (who were probably too busy writing death threats and trying to doxx the 400 plucky resistance fighters to put up a genuine defense of their space station).

We should all donate some ISK to these brave sovereign warriors for making the game a better place for us all. Or, at the very least, make sure to only use the TTC stations to perform all of our market transactions.

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