Can we have these two added please? Seems entirely appropriate as well as amusing at times
/ : psyccp:
Can we have these two added please? Seems entirely appropriate as well as amusing at times
/ : psyccp:
we need all tweetfleet slack emojis !
Paging @CCP_Avalon…
Avalon was very helpful the otherday. He gave me the emoji so I could respond to your post about AJAX
might need some variations like :facedesk: and :facewall:
You have no idea
I have an amazing capacity for imagination, especially after spending way too much time on & off in Iceland, by all means spill it
cool emojji👽
:trap: :’(
like slack (this one is ugly )
Taken care of
What happed to emoji fonts used here? Its different now than it used to be. I think the previous was looking nicer and I started to get used to it.
Those two are pretty popular on some EVE forums.