Even if it is an accurate description, which I deny, your intend is to insult. Are you a hypocrite?
Since the first time anyone went afk at the gate and was ganked.
Im sure we both agree that someone jumping through a gate and mistakenly going afk and getting ganked, still occurs, irrespective of age.
Thats not what you said.
Would you like me to quote you on the relevant sentence?
I was talking about your claim that they stand immediately outside starter systems. Now it appears youve backpedaled hard, and claimed “a few jumps out”.
But still, no. A great way to determine the ratio of people who cry and whine versus the age of the pilot, is by looking at the Minerbumping Hisec Grabbag.
The most recent one, hisec grabbag #206, features 9 pilots. Guess how many were “new”? 3. Well, not really, as one was an orca pilot and was probably an alt. But lets be generous and add him in. 3 pilots were less than a year old. Would you like me to look at other previous grabbags and tell you the number of pilots that were less than a year old that were also crying?
Im almost certain you will never be the rain. Well, maybe a light drizzle of brine.
You are my kinda man.
I had high hopes after my question
Instead you chose to
I like doing a bit of research too especially if names are dropped. Zkillboard says you’re overenthusiastic in your fiery rhetoric. Most of the ships on record are not rookie ships. Moreover, Aiko seems to change regions regularly.
Keep it honest…
Ah yes, of course, all non-consensual pvp is baaad. So sorry for you. Is that why you (say you) dropped the majority of your omega accounts ? Over 30 iirc ? Badly ganked all the time ?
proving what ? Bad person ? When ? For how long ? Your “research” will only ever lead to reinforcing your dislike to anything pvp related in hisec. It is biased towards a purpose. An example ? The number of barges killed (593) is almost twice the number of frigates (316, which does not only consist of ventures), not to mention exhumers (264), cruisers and battleships. The number of “rookies” flying those frigates ? Who can say, some of them undoubtedly, and probably also alt accounts of vets. You’ll have to redo your “research”.
So, make your choice, we either discuss rookies or vets, mining or no mining, or all at once ?
Name dropping vs name and shame, fine line…
Either you live in a bubble or are very hard trying to create one that suits your purposes. If anyone who disagrees with you needs a “professional”, which seems to be a recurring shot in front of the bow, maybe you should join in. There are no hissy fits on my side, I’m only watching the twisting and turning with some amusement. What you serve are not facts but interpretations of facts, that’s why it is biased.
etc. 1) Code doesn’t only target rookies. 2) Naming and shaming is not conform the rules (none of my business, but still) 3) all actions that took place were clearly tolerated and allowed by those that own and publish the game and set the rules i.e., there is no justification for publicly naming and shaming (if there ever is).
oh boy. Get help for those hissy fits.
You should get a new wand. This one backfires.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Since the first time i brought up Interceptors and you didnt launch an objection.
You pointed out evidence of players targetting new players, and my direct response to this was the fact that they are equal opportunity killers that target the first thing that comes through the gate that they can kill.
If your claim is going to be that these people are targetting new players, then the discussion of who else they are killing, is surely relevant.
And yet, this is a direct quote of what you told me:
What does “Immediately outside” constitute for you? Sounds like what youre doing is cherry picking your definitions so that it fits the narrative.
I guess I should ask, do you want to just retract your claim and amend what you meant to say?
But Id also be happy to talk about Isanamo, the system in question that you were referring to. Do you know why Isanamo is a popular system? Disregarding the fact that it is a 0.6 system, its also very highly traversed as it is one of the choke points, like Uedama or Niarja. Infact, as of right now, more people have warped through Isanamo than even Dodixie.
Wouldnt you say this is also an important factor as to why Isanamo was chosen?
No, that is your way of looking at it.
Remember, you were the one who brought up the argument of how Gankers are targetting new players because they are more likely to extract salt from them. And I brought you evidence to the contrary. The most notorious site for posting Salt, and last weeks Grab Bag had 6 players out of 9, over a year old featured in them.
I am looking a the evidence and making conclusions based off of it. You are making Assumptions based on your bias and going off from there.
You mean Isanamo? Or were you going to talk about some other system that Code seems to get hundreds of kills in while being directly near starter/career systems?
Except that I didnt. I already said, and I quote,
Im fine with saying that a lot of new players die in ganks. I find nothing wrong with that, after all. I died when i was a new player to a bait and switch.
My contention here is that the entire time youve discussed this with me, youve been presenting it as if people are waiting, as per your words, “immediately outside” starter systems and career agent systems because they specifically want to target new players, is absurd.
After youve called the people I hang out with, as a bunch of “Incel nonces”?
I thought you didnt like people who engaged in name-calling.
Oh my, did you corner yourself again and now have to admit a level of defeat ? And why do you feel the need to bring down the community in the first place. I mean, others may do it out of “stupidity”, but you make a deliberate choice in that sentence. Nice going.
“the” rules, as in what Lucas Kell makes of the rules. Right. No thanks, you keep spinning the rules too much. You don’t come with a solution, vide supra therefore your nagging is part of the problem.
The bad news for you here is that today 95% of all players ARE ‘carebears’ like you described them.
So logic and reason commands that you have to change YOUR game into THEIR direction in order to survive and not scare them away like it is done at the moment even using CCP’s own numbers(95% of all newbies are gone after the first month).
Wether you like this or not it is simply a fact…
I wonder how many new people run for the hills after glancing over this thread. Would those be included in that 95% as well ?
Objection. Low-sec is not a warzone.
Low sec is inhabited by Klingons
Jita is a Ferengi outpost.
Lucas, this game works in the way that it weeds out those who understand it from those who don’t and choose to leave (and maybe come back later who knows … people aren’t stupid ).
Harshness in this world (at any level) works as a tool to make sure we get cooperative players sticking around the game and making it great for what it stands for.
It would not be the answer for CCP to cater to a horde of spoonfed and individualistically-driven kids/adults, that are only here to see “their own game” above everyone else’s.
There’s been some studies quoted elsewhere on the forums that indicate the retention rate for Eve isn’t far off the industry norm.
references a 2015 study from https://www.superdataresearch.com/, which is no longer available.
However https://www.alistdaily.com/strategy/understanding-free-to-play-mmo-retention/ and https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/understanding-free-to-play-mmo-retention-joost-van-dreunen contain most of the original study.
Bear in mind that the study deals with the F2P segment, which Eve has one foot in these days.
Dunno…I keep seeing the Star Wars Cantina scene whenever I fly into Jita. Rogues and hangers-on.
First, would you be so kind as to form a coherent response without resorting to quoting and text dissection ? It makes you look like you haven’t processed information and looking for the safest way to place your points/arguments more than actual interest in dialogue.
Then Im referring to “the game” as an ecosystem, along with all the masturbatory ganking asshat species populating it.
You on the other hand, immediately judge them, hate on them, and see them as a pest to be eradicated (according to some study, which isn’t even a sure bet to begin with, as per Jonah’s last response ), and I see them as a part of the game, a “nuisance” sure, but not unavoidable, nor much of a problem to my own gameplay and perspective in the game, as long as I make do and keep an eye on the longer term goals I intend to achieve.
Anyone is capable of seeing the game from this perspective and be ok with the ganking, and in fact many do.
The truth is, making the game more “appealing” or spoonfed to the masses means you already underestimate people’s ability to adapt and play the game how they intend to, despite all odds.
You’re claiming this game should be more sandbox whereas what you’d propose would mean the exact opposite.