CCP Please Stop Destroying EVE

I believe at one point I saw 35,000 players online yesterday. I mean, that’s not the 50,000 that it once was, but still, after 17 years that’s pretty good.

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Yep…statistical runaways are an argument…not

Weekend,corona…there are many explanations possible for that…

But i bet this does not count for you because it came from me… :stuck_out_tongue:

If it was a single outlying stat, you might have a point. It is likely the virus is upping player numbers a little. But it’s not a single weekend. we’ve seen a steady increasing PCU trend over at least the last three months if not longer.
So clearly it’s not an outlier.

@QuakeGod P.s. I saw it at 37.8. 24h peak was 37,968

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That’s exactly what we’re talking about because people are literally asking for all PvP to be removed from highsec. That is a complete change in what EVE is about.

And stop lying. I am capable of having a discussion about improvements, when people actually want constructive improvements and not just “make AFK farming easier so my wallet numbers go up faster”.

Except the biggest wealth accumulation without risk or challenge is in nullsec and you’re totally fine with that.

Stop lying. Nowhere have I said that I am ok with the current state of nullsec. In fact, if you go read the AFK cloaking whine thread you’ll see me giving just as many insults to nullsec farmer trash that can’t cope with the idea of PvE without local giving them instant warning to dock up and hide.

So adding NPCs (which already exist) is a major change, but changing the fundamental fitting stats on ships to eliminate all possible needs for meta modules isn’t?

“Changing the fundamental fitting stats” is an incredibly minor change. EVE has seen tons of balance changes like that and continued to be the same game, and a game where meta modules never existed at all would be 99.9% identical to what we have now.

“Remove PvP and add powerful player-like NPCs to fight” is a major change in how EVE is played. Even if you think it would be a good change it’s still a massive one.

Stop pretending that the two are equivalent.

You just don’t like that I’m pointing out your overall agenda because you like to pretend you’re not arguing for arena style PvP so people might take you seriously.

Me: “arena PvP is an idiotic idea that has no place in EVE.”


Why do you insist on lying about things that are so obviously not true?

You do this on a regular basis.

Stop lying. There are countless PvE discussions that happen without any posts from me, because those discussions are not “make AFK farming easier and make the numbers in my wallet go up faster”.

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Good. EVE does not need risk-averse perma-victims who want to passively watch their wallet numbers go up and whine incessantly any time they encounter a challenge. EVE is supposed to be a difficult game where success has meaning because it is earned against adversity and never guaranteed, not a menial farming game where everyone gets to “win” ASAP before moving on to the next farming game.


Unfortunately, that is the mindset of the current generation of gamers. Maybe they will get their wish 15 years from now when CCP is being ran by Zoomers…


They are not bots.

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Well, ISK is important to a lot of people. Infact, it seems to be the most important thing to many. Cant argue with that.

I think they are equal opportunity killers, though. Do you seriously think that given the chance, they would rather kill an interceptor or a Tristan?

Regardless, your situation is not something i see often, despite helping a lot of new players.

Why would that matter? If a frigate jumped from a starter system to a system next door, and you were hanging at the gate, attempting to gank anything and everything that passed through the gate, are you going to be able to distinguish between a 5 day old character and a 5 day old alt?

Yes, you can fight back at weather. I do it all the time when i use my umbrella, or use sunscreen. Just because its raining, doesnt mean i have to get soaked and have a miserable experience. Just because its sunny, doesnt mean i have to get sunburned and have a miserable experience.

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Coka cola rots your brain. But Pepsi is eternal.

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Were talking about AFK pilots here. A frigate pilot that is at his/her keyboard is far less likely to get ganked either.

So youre saying that there are gankers, even semi-frequently, camping outside starter system gates and ganking newbies?

Because this is the scenario that youve proposed.

Yeah, and AFK players tend to do the same, too.

Im not saying they dont, but your scenario where people are sitting outside starter systems gates just so they can grief new players, and have a higher chance of greifing new players. is a scenario that I dont see as plausible or popular.

Thanks, i have great luck, often. Just yesterday, it rained heavily, and i was perfectly dry with my umbrella and boots. Were you the guy who was standing on the sidewalk with no umbrella, getting soaked and cursing at the skies?

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I never drink Coke, but once a year I drink a can (must be a can!) of Pepsi and celebrate it. :blush:


Why don’t you, who are clearly passionate about this, give your vision on how to implement what you suggest into the game WHILE keeping the economy in check. So, a nice balance of faucets and sinks (if you suggest more taxes that would be a disappointment). The floor is yours.

Good riddance.

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What do you call the many hours here on these forums, you “debating” others?

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What do I imagine?

The moment devs succumb to the “optional Pvp in Highsec” crowd will be the final nail in the coffin for Eve.


My question was “What do you call the many hours here on these forums, you “debating” others?”

To which you answered: “It takes less time than you imagine, and normally I’m posting while waiting for builds.”

Which isn’t an answer to the question, but did raise a second question: “What do I imagine?”

I am curious to your answer on both questions.

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Does this mean you are actually not here to have a conversation?

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I thought you were against calling people names. Are you a hypocrite?

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You don’t get the way Eve works as playerbuilt economy, it’s a game about constant destruction/construction cycle.

Your stuff “needs” to blow up in order to feed into someone else’s construction game, and vice versa.

Ideally allowing things to get blown up in the “safest” area of the game where you move stuff around ( ie: high sec freighters loaded with expensive stuff) is best maintained in the game as it is part of some the the major supply sinks in the game.

It gives people the opportunity to learn to play the game of avoiding in making a mistake and not getting their stuff destroyed, and it gives industrialists and builders of the game opportunities to rebuild on what was lost in case a mistake happened.

Try to see the game from a wider and systemic “not just about you” perspective instead of your own selfish and individualistic “but i just wanna solo this game in peace, screw you all for forcing me, this game will die if you don’t do what I say !” perspective.

In other words, try and see Eve like a grown adult would, with wider and more cooperative perspective. We’re all friends playing a spaceship game in an organic and inter-dependant sci-fi universe, blowing eachother up and helping eachother all at the same time.

Edit : @Scoots_Choco Shut your mouth. <3