CCP rules discussion on ganking and CONCORD mechanics - 2021.11.06


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You do know that you you don’t need to login to the game to post, right?

Worhtless? Tried gate camping in a frigate?

Lore is evolving. You could say that The Fluffy Bear God who had kept himself hidden since time began in 2003, heard his follower’s cries, tasted their tears , put his playstation aside and zapped with lightning anyone who dared to pop his follower’s shiny toys before supplying Princess Aiko, the true saviour of highsec with more catalysts.

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Perhaps forums should be for active Omega accounts only?


because this place isn’t elitist and exclusionary enough already :slight_smile:


This would definitely improve the quality of posting.


Hmm fair, newer forum sock puppets at the very least.

There’s been a good few of those in the last few months.

Without question yes.

Does this mean that if I attack an another player at my abyssal running spot, then Concord will spawn there and the gankers can’t move them off, as the spawn follows me?

one spawn of 3 concord will appear at the site of the attack for each ganker that shoots at the same time, they sit in that spot untill downtime or they are moved away by pulling or another gank. they wont follow you if you are in a pod .


“does not affect response times”?


What this means is that the response times are within the expected range based on deliberate programming. That you can gain a little extra time this way is a feature, and not a bug, and so using that feature is not an exploit.

Even though this seems to be what the author of the reddit post means, it does seem at odds with what we’ve seen posted by GM Icecream, and so we’re left wondering whether CCP thinks it’s a bug, a feature, or if there’s a wheel they spin every time to decide which interpretation to use on a case by case basis.

Imagine posting on a forum of a game you no longer play :smiley:

I suggested this like a month ago and Drac/Rroff said it was dumb :smiley: But it literally works LOL.

Yep! I posted this tactic like a month ago and people did not understand it LOL.

Aiko doesn’t gate gank tho ROFL.

Yep. He drives people away from AGing. I don’t know if thats good or bad LOL.

Finally you make sense.

correction: On a game I won. I’m just taking a victory lap around the peasants who still play this husk of a once great game.

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That broken record crappola of a contention ought to be labelled as mass harassment in general, and in this case, direct harassment.

Gankers are always screaming that ganking is intended gameplay, you included. Well guess what? Posting on the forum without playing or paying is also intended by CCP. So buck up and get used to it. Or, open a thread about it if you really want a change. It would be more effective than harassing posters over it non-stop.

You didn’t win? You’re still posting and its still taking up head space. You have definitely lost LOL.

  1. Bro, you don’t even play, you’re a second class EVE citizen :smiley:
  2. Ganking is indeed, intended gameplay and does not violate the TOS. You literally cannot say otherwise.
  3. The difference is, you are posting on the forum with intent to harm playstyles that you don’t agree with from a game you no longer play. Sir, you literally are the griefer.

Cool, stay mad. LOL

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I’m not mad? You just made me giggle tho. Imagine thinking you’ve won and all you do is post on a game forum that you don’t play anymore. I cannot imagine anything more pathetic. You have truly made me laugh out loud :smiley:

Did not read your answer. LOL