CCP rules discussion on ganking and CONCORD mechanics - 2021.11.06

No. I am pretty sure Aiko can do whatever the heck she wants. Meanwhile, those of us whose noses have no brown on them can get banned for literally nothing.

Sigh. Lets not lie bro. You know you read it. I get the truth hurts. Its ok bro. Keep “winning” by posting on a game forum that you no longer play :smiley:

Aiko is playing within the TOS and resharing a public response. You are literally a griefer :smiley:

Maybe in that post. I neither know nor care and never claimed otherwise.

What I said was, it does not matter, because Aiko can break all the rules anyway. I don’t know anyone who posts more off topic, less constructively, or more harassingly than her, except, um, YOU. And I know filing a ticket won’t do anything. Been there, done that. Brown nose, anything goes.

That said, you are the one constantly whining about the TOS.

All quake in terror at the power of my voice! The Devs hang on my every word, and dream of nothing but making my forum posts reality! You are right to drip salt over my posts. Each one might as well be a live nuke! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Unlimited Power!

Unlimited (2)

Brown-nosing is a nonissue. The forum mods are simply instructed to keep the ■■■■ off of the white picket fence so that the game looks “presentable” to the public. Let go of the social justice and the report button-mashing, and learn the art of talking ■■■■ without being insulting and offensive. Aiko understand this, and that’s why she’s seen and treated as a forum personality as opposed to an insurgent.


LOL what rules we breaking? How do we brown nose? By having fun playing EVE? Shocking right?

Do you think its right that people who don’t play the game are able to weigh in on issues that don’t affect them?


If you want answers then you can either open a thread where that is the topic or take it here:

If you think all I do is social justice, or, that social justice itself is an issue, then you are greatly mistaken. That social justice is taken as an issue here though, you may be correct about that.

If you think I am insulting and offensive, and those who pretend to role-play nonstop on the forum or wildly misinterpret to be annoying aren’t, or those who constantly post short off-topic snide retorts aren’t, then I have to accuse you of not thinking about all this very deeply.

But I have to say, not thinking about all this very deeply is a key problem with how this forum is run. That even speaks to how the topic is being handled. It often seems like doing a quick job is given massive priority over doing an accurate and fair job.

In other words, you got nothing Got it :smiley:

How do you know they aren’t roleplaying, and why is roleplaying bad? I’m assuming cause you conflate EVE and real life all the time, you must take special issue with RPers huh?

Define snide retort please. Quantify it for us :smiley:

Its a space vidya game. Deep thoughts are not really on people’s minds. Blapping and avoiding said blapping are. But yennoe what I’m gonna say already right?

Whisper it with me :smiley:
Bro you don’t even play

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Notice how the people most often getting punished/banned are those who constantly follow others around and report their posts, and talk about how others need to be punished/banned all the time. It’s just another form of forum insurgency that the mods dislike and other posters find cringey. If you want an easier, more enjoyable time here, stop trying to backseat-mod the forums so much.

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I’m sensing Ridley has deep seated control issues :smiley:

I’m not sure he can help himself. Maybe if he had a form of stress relief? A vidya game for example. One he could play that offers a sandbox experience in space where he is the protagonist of his own story? In charge of his own destiny and fun? Where he can make decisions based upon what he likes to do? Where he can build relationships with other players and work toward a common goal to carve out a small part of space for him and his fellows? Where he can dream as small or as big as he’d like and use the in game tools to get there?

If only there was something like that out there…

I see you and destiny are going for the lock as usual.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


My goal is to educate, uplift and inspire. Ridley sorely needs that.

I think most people truly aren’t built for sandbox games. They need something to tell them what to do. I thrive in sandbox games and set my own goals. I have a blast. I know he senses it and deep inside it rankles him that someone could actually have fun in New Eden.

I will continue to have fun, and when its not, I’ll stop. No good bye post. No drama. One day you just won’t see me posting, as I don’t believe I should post if I’m not playing.

Honestly peoples, its a vidya game. If you aren’t playing for fun, stop and walk away.

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Case in point.

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CCP Paragon posted it in reddit, publicly.

It’s not private correspondence. No permission needed to cross post it here.


I’m a Princess!

:large_blue_diamond: :princess: :large_blue_diamond:

I explained that. I never said it was not allowed. I said it doesn’t matter either way.

Basically rubbish. Especially the “all the time part” and the “report” part. I hardly ever report and I haven’t filed a report in a long time. They, or maybe I should say “he” doesn’t listen to me.

But if you want to talk about that further then please open an appropriate thread for it. Just stop attacking my character in a thread it doesn’t belong, forcing me to defend myself from your rubbish charges.

You are usually wrong, so situation normal here too.

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Dear Bob but you are bitter.

Are you done?

Bro lets not lie. You absolutely scream big snitch energy. You and Drac have probably electronically worn out the report button…