Congrats, you’ve wasted hours of your life struggling for literal pennies.
Congrats, you’ve wasted hours of your life struggling for literal pixelspaceships… why do you think you are superior to others when in fact you are not?
Cry some more, kid.
Glad to see the online trend of getting offended for other people is still in vogue.
I’m sure we’ve all wasted hours of our life at times doing something. Plus when buying low and selling high it’s not always pennies. You wouldn’t have long fights over pennies.
Plus I have plenty of time to kill, if I hadn’t of been doing that I’d have been wasting it elsewhere. In the grand scheme of things it’s all fairly irrelevant.
ccp has done you a big favor by saving you from yourself, then. What’s next, a rousing download of Paint Dry Simulator 2020?
Cool story.
CCP has determined it’s a shitty waste of their player’s time and got rid of it.
Can you adapt to the changes or are you going to keep throwing a bitchfit and cry about it?
eve in 90% of the time is a paint dry simulator so yeah, you have already got it
lol you’re just as insufferable as Andersen aren’t you. Literally identical posting habits. Hilarious.
“wah wah I didn’t like that market pvp because it meant I had to try to actually make some iskies! waaaaaaaah”
Who crying? I’m not crying about it. You’re not the only one allowed to voice an opinion you know on the forums.

“wah wah I didn’t like that market pvp because it meant I had to try to actually make some iskies! waaaaaaaah”
Can you point to where I said this?
If you haven’t been following along, I’m having a blast getting my popcorn salted by the kids crying about how they can’t 0.01 isk anymore.

I’m not crying about it.
Repeat it enough times and maybe CCP will listen.
ohh, for me it looks you are the only one crying here no wonder your popcorn is salty, its from your own tears

Can you point to where I said this?
No, because I’m literally explaining what your post to me earlier summarized. Jesus, do you have reading comprehension issues like Anderson too?

Great, another moron who wants to just throw his lack of braincells around.
I feel sorry for the new community dev.
Edit: If you guys want to keep circlejerking yourselves over how much you don’t like this change, that’s fine. But hopefully you’ll realize that no matter how much you cry, it’s not going back. You won’t be able to brainlessly 0.01 isk yourself to “winning” market pvp anymore.
Adapt or die, kiddos.

ohh, for me it looks you are the only one crying here
no wonder your popcorn is salty, its from your own tears
Shut up Naari.
Like if you had a say on this subject btw. wtf is that Naari? yould I know him?

I was not informed of this … update.
I often see people saying this about changes that were in the patch notes. I mean, stealth changes are one thing, but CCP prominent displays ads for patchnotes in the launcher. And now there are people like Jin’taan who make patchnote videos, so you don’t even have to read them. You can just listen while you play.
Also, like I’ve said to others. I understand how much it sucks when CCP does something that negatively impacts your playstyle or income. For example, I was making ~375 mil isk an hour in Emerging conduits before they got nerfed, never lost a ship, and could do it while watching youtube. Naturally, I was sad to see the nerf come. But instead of complaining, I chose to adapt.
So, it’s up to you dog. You could quit, or you could try adapting your strategies to the new mechanics. Or, perhaps you could try a new career. Who knows, you might even have fun.
Maybe those of you who liked playing the .00000001 ISK game 23 hours a day can now put that skill to good use day trading on the stock market and make yourself some actual money…
Welp, somone mentioned Naari.
I feel like that’s the Eve forum’s version of Godwin’s law.
Fun fact, did you know that he once cursed CCP. To clarify, I don’t mean he used bad words. I mean he cursed them like Willem Dafoe in The Lighthouse.
Alright, you guys have fun. I’m out this thread.
that is all you ever say, or some variation of, change your tune or preferably ■■■■ off yourself
that is all you ever say, or some variation of, change your tune or preferably ■■■■ off yourself
That’s been a running theme from that one for a long time…
But going back to the thread, if the real purpose of the changes had been to combat botting in favor of players, CCP could have changed the required time between price changes to 30 minutes, or even 2 hours. Bots could still follow that, but it would give breathing room for other folks in the game to sell (or buy) their own wares.
The new massive tax on changes has already been demonstrated to favor bots, because the bots can simply ‘1 item order’ their way in front every minute of the day. A human is going to tire out on that race much faster.
However, if CCP is trying to clamp down the market in favor of microtransactions (which Pearl Abyss seems to favor, based on other reading), then this is certainly one way to achieve that goal, if player numbers and subscriptions aren’t considered.