Change null anomaly Bounties to Effects

I personally think that all null should be adjusted to old Drone region style of loot based gains rather than raw isk. I mean why would concord pay for space they clearly don’t care about?

Botters are not a problem to be dealt with in this way, anyway.

Botters just need to be discovered and the accounts deleted.

You don’t need to make them huge either. That’s just more pointless PITA. Just make them standard tags.

one of two things will happen— large entities will pay out to their farmers and organize logistics, which largely won’t matter no matter how big they are because large entities can manage logistics chains safely.

everyone else will load them in whatever they have and take them where ever they need to go, some will do this smartly, some will do this poorly. The history of people moving PLEX shows that a significant amount of them will get blowed up.

Bounties are effectively an unrestricted ISK faucet. If a money supply grows faster than the economy in the real world it usually ends in tragedy - think Zimbabwe or, just a few days ago, Venezuela.

I’ll support any change that results in material rewards that can be exchanged for ISK with other players (not NPCs). It would be even better if the respawn timer didn’t start until the field had been looted and salvaged (or despawned naturally). Growth in the money supply should be regulated - perhaps a “central bank of New Eden” with a specific mandate (i.e. inflation peg) that makes it’s activity predictable.

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