A new game, take any location, such as a river, country, town or monument and change the name.
A couple of examples:
- Iceland gets changed to, Dave. Iceland is now called Dave.
- The Leaning Tower Pisa becomes, the Leaning Tower of Cow-Tongue.
A new game, take any location, such as a river, country, town or monument and change the name.
A couple of examples:
When ever I play Valheim to progress my character I start to think about Iceland Vikings!
Chicago becomes Ricago.
Pink Floyd becomes Pink Mouse.
Star Wars becomes Star Walrus.
Star Trek becomes Pigs in Space!
The Yangtze River becomes the Yahtzee River.
The Planet Jupiter becomes the Planet Express.
EVE Online is now Omelette Royale.
The Super Bowl becomes the Super Squirrel.
Before that.
Elon Musk is now Angangang Gangangan.
Eve becomes Teletubbie LaLa Carebearland.
Leave It To Beaver becomes, Leave It To Mole.
DrysonBennington becomes DirtDevilPaddington.
Living on the edge becomes, Living on spaghetti.
Him Who Shall Not Be Named now is Them Whose Name I Do ignore.
My House, your house becomes, Your mortage, Im gone.