Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

This is so good. Capital meta was always whack.

Why donā€™t you allow Cyno jumps to worm hole space. I think itā€™s only fair that veteran players there should enjoy the same benefits that null security players have.

Grath Telkin, your thinking is wrong: cause smaller unorganized groups cant use a recon right?

Its not just a Recon, you need. Surviving-Time of a Decloaking Recon will be 5-15 seconds. You decloak, open up Cyno, jump in Max-Tank-Fit-BlackOps (BO) and open with that a Cyno and hopping, Reinforcements comming fast enought, that BO can Survive till they arrived. If it goes down, hopefully you have another BO ready to jump.
Maybee you need more then only 1-2 BO, till reinforcement arrived.

So, smaller groups can use a recon, but can they effort multiple BO`s ? This is the question.

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I quite literally asked you a direct question that you just dodged like a spanish matador. You said lighting a cyno after this change would be suicide, Iā€™m asking you to elaborate on that.

If you canā€™t then youā€™re just an overreacting little ninny, but if you can provide some form of substance to your baseless claim then maybe you have a point. Right now it doesnā€™t seem so, youā€™re just spazzing out.

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EVE died

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stop crying. This is a great update


Why Force Recons and not also Combat Recons? Why not T2 ships only or some other group of ships than just these 8 (blops and force recon) for the average player? Personally I would love to see the other 4 Recons + the Command Ships + T3C also be able to light normal cynos.

Limiting cynos to special ship classes / types is an interesting way to cause change. May end up causing a lot of unintended consequences though.

As I see it, this change will do little to curb the strengths of large blocs, both at home and deployed somewhere.

Why would you light 2 cynos? Recons can easily get over 100k hp tanks on them. Your entire premise here seems like youā€™re ridiculous. Guys light the cyno, Ok guys jump the OTHER cyno in and light thatā€¦like wtf?

Who owns the Force Recon BPOs?

This change is beyond stupid. Iā€™m done with this game.

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thank god. donā€™t need players like you.

Prove it, lets see some biomass screen shots.

What she said ^^^

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And I hate Static, Batphone, Nullsec space, for years.

Time to shake that ā– ā– ā– ā–  up.

bye !

If your cyno alts didnt have cyno 5 yet I dont know what to say. All they should have to train is frigate 5. Also, you got time to train them up now. no need to inject.

Apparently you canā€™t read. I told you; Iā€™m asking a question and I only think itā€™s a stupid change.

My question, how about you elaborate on why Iā€™m wrong on my opinion?

This, all of it

No, my cyno alts didnt have 5, there was no point toā€¦ And yes, Iā€™d have time to trainā€¦ But would mean pausing training on more important toons, which Iā€™m not going to do. Like said, there are plenty of others in alliance who do JF, who will still runā€¦ I just wont be one of them, as I dont care to waste the training time or ISK on this. There was nothing wrong with how cynos work for JF, and a better alternative for those has been provided. So, take it for whatever ya want. I wont be running a JF anymore, and I am sure there are others who wont as wellā€¦ Life will go on, no big deal for me, weā€™ve got dozens of JF pilots I can have move stuff. I just thought Iā€™d take the time to point out the flaws as I see them, and provide alternative solution without impacting CCPs chaos goal.

I really hope this is one of your shitty jokes because this retarded.

lets just make everyone more risk adverse and have even less cap fights. That sounds like a great idea.