Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

ffs understand that this is an international game. English isn’t the first language for a lot of the community.

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Regarding eve offline the statistics show that we are currently at around 2007 in player numbers (note: 2007 was without asians). Player numbers are decreasing since 2011, having a top spike in 2013 due to Retribution 1.2 Update.

If I was CPP, I would try to number players up and thereby getting more subs/money. Taking the player’s basic mechanics of cynos won’t change anything in more player numbers. Maybe a rollback to 2010’s rules and mechanics could bring back the people, but not taking their means to get around and scream for help in eve’s universe. This step will pi** the players off and will result in rage quit.

JFs just got a buff. Do you have any idea how much easier moving JFs around just got. Covert cynos are a LOT faster and don’t show on overview unless you are on-grid with it.

JFs just got easier to move than BLOPS BS…just a slight modicum of caution and preparation and there is no need to forti-super-highway.

Moving anything not a JF…OOF…but we’ll see how that pans out.

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Well, it looks like that the Rooks and Kings pipe bomb from the ‘golden era’ would still work, which is why I started playing in the first place.

What’s probably the biggest ‘loss’ for those decrying the change is that they can’t just sit on their asses waiting for the hard-to-catch hunter to light the cyno.

Unless we’re talking about delve, for those folk this is %100 CCP saying ‘oh, about that umbrella you had?’.

Its already like that in some area’s and before the war declaration changes, in empire space too.

When I started playing capitals couldn’t target sub caps. They giveth, they taketh away.

CCP Rise was probably my least favourite CCP personality until the blackout for the total hate of drones that shat all over gallentee hulls. This change is probably one of the few with the CCP Rise sign off that doesn’t make me want to microwave my internet.

Procurer springs to mind, give it a 3rd high slot so its less obvious.

Revenant dropped on a procurer.

Hmm. How about maximum velocity : 0 m/s ?

One covert cyno bridging in 100 bombers is just as oppressive. It would be nice to see a mass limit like on a wormhole. Bring in a bag of small stuff, or a handful of medium sized things ( cruisers ) or 1 big thing, a Blops/JF.

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I am super glad you did - you will not be missed.

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Only going to be a problem for smaller groups without trillions of isk. Again Bloc groups get a free pass on a coming change

CCP sponsored “Era of the Bloc” is off to a great start.

I really have to wonder, is there anyone works for CCP that actually has a clue?

I am really impressed with the measly 2 weeks notice they give JF pilots to train up cyno 5 on multiple alts.

43 days training and 2 weeks notice to get it done - Damn CCP you’re trying to gouge that last dollar.
CCP - Oh its ok - Just buy skill points from us.

First you screw my Indy, now you screw the only other means of income i had.
Yeah i made it about me and screw all the “adapt or leave” crowd.


bye then -6 rorquals on belts botting/farming

You just brought tears to my eyes you poor, brave little fella.

Think about the children !!!

Or at least remove the use of macro keys from the EULA as a TOS violation. I already had to go to the Apple Store once this year to have my MacBook keys replaced after my h key and d key fell off.

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Ever play that game leaky pipes? I think what they’re trying to do is up the pressure and then bog up the leaks.

Blackout happens…super umbrella’s become the meta…nerf the cyno.

Wasn’t exactly a stroke of genius, some predicted it at the time of the blackout. The problem is the balancing act is tiresome, in that the scale was overloaded years ago and its only now CCP realise and they’re trying to fix it by adding more random weight, rather than taking some off.

He isn’t far wrong but an ex Goon scrub probably wouldn’t see that.

Get a clue, if you can’t post anything of value, don’t post.
Posting just to see your name in print is just so old and there are far better than you doing it.


I pointed this out in the Blackout thread. CCP HIlmar did a big presentation on the PI interface changes. Why the changes? He actually started to play eve again and started living in a wormhole. Felt the interface was too clicky, lo and behold it got changed.

Eve gameplay is becoming CCP Hilmar gameplay, slowly but surely. Maybe changing all the mining and ratting anomalies in 0.0 to be cosmic signatures will be next.


You do not even play the game - just biomass and stop whining.

How exactly do you see these two changes having any affect on the Blocs, who individually have more isk and resources than the rest of Eve combined?

This will only add to the applications from players and corps to join the few large Blocs… Good idea?
Making it harder for small/er groups to survive isn’t what i’d call reasonable change.

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Welcome to EVE. How many days ago did you sign up? :wink:

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Let’s piss in nullsecs cheerios while highsec remains the most profitable and safest space in the game. risk vs reward, whats that…? does it taste good?

Nicely done, you just reinforced my final reply to you…
I’ve been “playing” Eve for 15 years, I’ve seen more scrubs like you come and go than you’ve changed your underwear.
My guess, I’ll still be here when you give up hiding in an NPC corp and uninstall


You still here, not posting anything of value?

Try to post something related to the thread - If you can (I doubt it) make it something you have experience in.

Then and only then will your posts hold anything more than troll value.;


Just curious, what changes would you make to discourage big blocs without affecting small groups?