Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

can i have your stuff?

They said Just recons in general. 5 minutes is a long ass time and THATS assuming they keep that cyno reduction bonus. No that wont tank a battleship with his friends and more then likely they will neut you out. I have done pvp so no you are wrong

I like the new CCP.

Talk about Crowd Control. :smile:



OOPS. It looks like youā€™re wrong.

Oh and look, youā€™re changing the conditions!

Yes, because god knows Iā€™ve never done pvp. You should try getting a clue before you continue being wrong.


FIrst off no I said off the bat that some friends and their battleship would arrive so nice try. No you dont pvp I can assure you. If they are saying force recons only then theres no way its tanking anyone. Sorry but I like that they are trying to fix the game but unless we get a one ship cyno for moving individuals then this whole idea is ā– ā– ā– ā– 

Then you must have more fun doing other things. Because this ā– ā– ā– ā–  is NOT healthy for the game. Believe it or not big negative hits to null shockwaves to all other parts of the galaxy. Big hits to low and WH have a lesser affect but also affect all other parts. HS could probably be straight up deleted and it wouldnā€™t really matter assuming those players found a home elsewhere and didnā€™t just disappear with it. So you can continue to rally for burn NS but there will be a boiling point where the rest of new eden dies with it.

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CCP has been pandering to Null Sec for far too long.

Theres ways for CCP to handle this situation and they are choosing all the negative impact ways. I donā€™t mean negative on the players I mean on the health of the game and their future. And those bratty children you speak of are the mouth breathers on reddit that have no actual clue. The ones speaking up that everyone wants to suffer actually consider change proposals with the benefit of the entire game and its future security in mind.

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DID you?

OOPS. Looks like youā€™re full of crap again!

Mmmhm. I donā€™t pvp at all. Nope. Not even a little. Iā€™m definitely not one of the most experienced logi pilots in the game (among other things). And letā€™s keep in mind, the fit I was talking about before cost all of 500M. You want to let me spend billions?

3.38b, Iā€™ll give you a Falcon with 212k ehp and 2500 ehp/s reps. When you heat it up, it jumps to 299k and 4600/s.

Keep on coming, kiddo.


Ahh, itā€™s been a descending crescendo of disappointment as the illusions fall away. First Santa, then Religion, now the neutrality of the Devs on an online MMO.

Whereā€™s Robocop when you need him

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Stop l being bad. I know you are just trolling. You are in goons you donā€™t care about the game state. I CLEARLY said friends would come in and the eventual battleship or dps boat. also a single pilgrim or curse can kill you too. 500 mil is a lot for a throw away ship. Stop trying to ruin the game because your tribe is winning the tribe wars buddy. I saw your killboard. Just F1 Monkey in goons all day and citadel grindingā€¦lovely. I do small gangs so I do actually know how to pvp and you are full of ā– ā– ā– ā– 

Yes, you clearly didnā€™t say the things I directly quoted you saying. Good work. and you clearly didnā€™t say ā€˜it would take billionsā€™ and then started whining about ā€˜500 mil is a lotā€™ when I donā€™t need ā€˜billionsā€™ to do what you said couldnā€™t even be done with billions.

You looked at my killboard? Really? Then you know how often Iā€™m out there in a logi ship in small gangs, not showing up on killboards, right?

Some of us teach other logi pilots how to make sure our 4b isk T3 logi + pods donā€™t die.

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why have a local chat at all ?

Smack talk, of course.

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Not if i cant see who i talk too

100 of freinds can fly right by me, an i dont know they where thereā€¦ thats a huge lose of social contact i belive

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I create or join private chat channels for those I want to keep up with.

Apologies, I misread again. Yes, they will keep doing SP promos on some kind of regular basis; they have an interesting history of potentially hurting themselves, if it might lead to a long term gain. I replied ā€œbothā€ in the mistaken thought you referred to skill injectors and/or SP promos. I continue to believe this ā€œcheapensā€ SP.

Which ties back to Miz original point that CCP is doing nothing about the problems of skill injectors. Iā€™m suggesting SP promos are an indirect method of CCP actually doing something. Longer term players are being rewarded with some SP they donā€™t need to buy from another player.

Sorry, not an argument. The prospect is still a T2 ship with an additional 3-4 weeks of training, so you can just as well train for Covert Ops then. And then thereā€™s an additional 3-4 weeks for Cyno V. And thatā€™s only for covert cynos and Jump Freighters.

For regular cynos, you will need 50+ more days. Per ā€œcyno altā€. This change will practically kill that ā€œclassā€ of alts, and only well trained and main characters with implants will light cynos now, in very expensive ships.

This will drastically hit the small and medium sized corporations, capital move ops, emergency cynos and escalating cap fights. Just because CCP doesnā€™t like the effective ratting and mining umbrellas of the supergroups. The change is simply extreme overkill.


Training for Covert Ops is faster, in fact. You donā€™t need Industry V.