Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

And why not post in mentioned topic? As it is place for discussion about that change.

Merged a duplicate thread

The way the whiner babies are complaining you would think that it did only effect Whine sec.

As to off Topic. No not at all.

People should just enjoy the changes.

Then why not do that, instead of whining about people not liking them?

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So you are saying that I am whining about Whiners.

Wouldn’t that then mean that you are whining about me whining about people whining.

Maybe! Or I’m just asking. :thinking:


Except those who cycle combat probes in choke point systems.

?? Subcap’s don’t have worry about 2 bombers which they cannot dscan or combat prob log onto a deep safe in a system, click the cloak button, warp to sun, dscan enomolies, warp to ratting/minning subcap, decloak and kill subcap in like 3 seconds. Love the free kill “balance” would hate for the game going back to making good decision and actually having to either be good at the game or put some actual planing into a kill.

Did they post this to see what the community would think about it or did they post this just to let everybody know before they do it?

To tell you they’re doing it.

TLDR : Divide current cyno into two different types.

The vector of changes CCP would make feels not much wrong though, This looks going overboard.
Although you force Jump freghter pilots to cost much more for their cyno alts, once they establish alts networks they can do their job too safely.

If you light the covert cyno with Huginn somewhere the safespot and web the Jump freighter as soon as they jump out, it’s nerly impossible to catch them.
Meanwhile, it’s true the cyno must be restricted from current situation that even the Ibis with 1 hour trained alts can light them.
As CCP Rise said, changes for cyno will directly impact logistics. They are two sides of the same coin.

This comes from the fact that the single type of modules have too wide way of use. From the Jump freighters to supers, logistics to capital combats.

As of now, Cynosural Fields are holding two problems.
First, as you know, they can be fitted to any sidzes of hulls.
The matter of this is that too massive EHP’d ships can fit cynos and makes fights crap.
If you’ve ever tried to roam around the nullsec and caught rattlesnakes, you see they light the cyno and triage jumping in. In a moment, you see Triage light the cyno as well and supers coming in.
Or you are flying 10 men cruisers gang and bubbled the thanatos. He lights the cyno and call supers as well.
This gives incentives for the tactics as such, " fit cyno on massive ship and call more massives.".

Second, there are no spool up time for cynosural fields. They are instantly lit on time, with no delay. This multiplies bonus for tactics stated above.
Micro jump field generators have spool up time and opponents have chances to prevent them activated. Meanwhile, cyno don’t allow as such, and will allow throwing ships onto zero distance.
Opponents can’t detect, prevent or try to escape before cyno lit. It’s fairly unfair.

Third, once cyno is lit, there are NO way to stop it. Even if you deploy the cynosural inhibitors - only the solution to prevent them - successfully , you can’t stop them already lit. Even if you had no friends jumping into you, you have only to light a cyno and wait friends joining your fleet AFTER the cyno lit. Wew, how sweet.

So, what to do instead this announced change instead ?
I would propose to devide current normal cynosural fields into two different types of modules.

One is the “Combat Cynosural Field 1”, which can be fitted to specific combat capable ships, have spool up time.
Another is the “Travel Cynosural Field 1”, which can be fitted to any kinds of ships but corvettes, have shortened spool up time but doesn’t allow to work as jump out point while having either of capsuler log off timer or weapon timers.

Here I will give some core attributes of these proposed modules below.


Combat Cynocural Field 1
Can be fitted to : Blackops, Combat Recon Ships
Duration : 2 Minutes
Spool Up : 60 Seconds
Maximum Velocity Bonus : None
Signature Radius Bonus : 250 %
Disallow Warp/Docking/Tethering : True
Will be burnt out once duration completed or disrupted after fully deployed. Need to be repaired in the station to reuse.
Disallow working as jump out point immediately when Mobile Cynosural Inhibitors are fully deployed within the range. Modules themselves continue activated but no longer working.
Can’t be activated when Cynosural Inhibitors are fully deployed ongrid within the range.

Travel Cynocural Field 1
Can be fitted to : All ships but Corvettes
Duration : 5 Minutes
Spool Up : 30 Seconds
Maximum Velocity Bonus : -100 %
Signature Radius Bonus : 500 %
Disallow Warp/Docking/Tethering : True
Can not be activated while Weapon timers or Capsuler log off timers running.
Disallow working as jump out point immediately when either of them occur.
Disallow working as jump out point immediately when Mobile Cynosural Inhibitors are fully deployed within the range. Modules themselves continue activated but no longer working.
Can’t be activated when Cynosural Inhibitors are fully deployed ongrid within the range.


Combat Cyno have 60 seconds spool up time. You have enough time to kill the cyno or try to escape. Blops and Combat Recon ships respectively can perform up to150kEHP and 75-100kEHP. It sounds enough to sustain damage as long as fleet is formed properly. And new combat cyno allow fitted ships to maneuver as normal, but disallow docking/tethering/warping as it is now. Jump out point itself doesn’t move though, ships can follow friendly fleets or evade hostile attacks as it is limitted to specific hulls.

Travel Cyno can be fitted to any ships but corvettes, and have shorter - 30 seconds - spool up. They are not allowed to be activated while having either capsuler log off timers or weapon timers. And even after activated, prevented by cause either of them. It will result as such, even the ceptors or somethingelse super large EHP’d ships, you only have to cause timers upon them and they can’t jump out from travel cyno.
This will prevent scenes we frequently see as super small ships/super thick ships lighting cyno happens.

I have no idea what you are flying that is that threatened by two bombers.

i believe it will be adressed at a later date- possibly with deployable srtuctures that allow to scan down cloacked ships in range. in combination with another structure that give local in certain range it will be good.
think of future changes on their minds- exaustable resources- you mine out Delve and it recovers in 3 months. in that time no mining in Delve( poor Goons[not] ) so you have to move or just log in again in 3 months.
that means war. i like that. and with cyno challanges to deploy capitals at every step we are looking at good battles.
we are looking at super aliances falling apart.
it’s Chaos! :smiley:

Covert cyno means much less chance of you loosing your cyno and even your JF to a well timed Nyx drop

An excavator.

I don’t mean he’s flying a Rorq, I mean his pod is strapped to someone else’s drone. :smirk:


I’d rather say only someone who utterly fails at reading comprehension and basic thinking would write a reply like you did.

One problem in the long term with this Idea is what if a certain rich couple of power blocks get together and acquire all of the bpo’s for the limited number of ships that cynos will be able to be fitted to. You then only have a percentage of the player base actually able to use cynos. Its far fetched but a very real situation that could happen. Maybe make them usable on a couple of tech I ships to avoid the chance of this situation.

Not possible. The force recon ship BPCs can be invented by anyone with the skills.

Took me a while but now I remember you. Talk about the kettle accusing the pot of having a certain coloration. Yes, both NancyDotte and the Gewnz are cancer, just like the various iterations of Panfam and pretty much every single major and successful group in Eve. This is an inevitable result of what you have to do and be in order to succeed at that level in a game with the current mechanics. Unfathomably low recruiting standards in terms of “is this a decent human being”, quantity being more important than quality, no standards existing for decent behaviour be it internally or inter-bloc, intentionally and willfully nurturing cultish cultures and “us vs them” mentalities, utterly toxic propaganda and so on and so forth.

And having seen your behaviour in person, you’re a perfect fit. I’m just surprised you haven’t changed at all over the last few years, because this yarn got old a good while ago.

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Wrong again!

The alliances that are rich enough in men and treasure to afford capital umbrellas will be the only groups with the numbers, currency, and organization to maintain a network of standing recon alts ready to continue deploying caps and supers onto every roaming gang.

Meanwhile, the poorer 75% of nullsec will have to stop using capitals for anything.

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