Chappy's Birthday Bash

There is always hope capsuleer - let me know if you’re interested in some help.

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Found this on Facebook.

God bless u and ur family chappy.


Hope you enjoyed it Chappy, I wish I could have joined! God bless!


I am a little bit late, but Happy Birthday anyway, mate! Chappy o7

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Late happy birthday, o7

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I am feeling so bad to miss it because i didn’t read better
Fly safe dude and fight to the last breath

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Hi everyone, Just wanted to give a small update.
I messaged chappy not ever expecting a response, asking him if there was a link to where I could donate to him / his family and he informed me that he would rather we spend our time and resources by donating to LeBonheur‘s Children’s Hospital research In Memphis Tennessee and by helping out new players to Eve and encouraging them to grow to keep the community great.
You can donate to that hospital here:

His actual reply is shown in attached image. See you in the stars, Chappy.
Rick-Sanchez C-137


See you, somewhere, out there. o7

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For those who may not of seen these:

Posted and captured by Razorien on Reddit;

Reddit Link:

Flickr Link: (for those who dislike Reddit)

Was a great night. Chappy, you’ll forever be flying along side in every fleet.


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U have made something thta has never happened b4
u r a legend of our virtual world
o7 bro

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Thank you EVE Online; For the finest evening of my life.

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Dear Chappy Im so very unhappy to hear of this misfortune of yours, but don’t give up the fight, even tho it might be impossible. Keep playing eve, keep enjoy as much as you can and enjoy every second you can with friends and family :smiley:

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Hey Chappy, the post here, reached me now. And i am very sorry that you have cancer. More sorry i feel about it, that its terminal. As a person with a near death experience, i could enlight you a little bit, and say, hey, it is not all that bad as you think, but i think, that lesson you may have learned in this life.

My personal thing here, talking about cancer, is for me bad energy you haven taken to yourself, to avoid, that this energy will happen to other, and for that, i would thank you very much.

You Sir, made the world a little bit better, and at the end, we hopefully meet each other, and laugh about this post :slight_smile:

Fly safe, and where ever your journey will take you, fly safe.

So… did anyone moved Chappy’s frozen corpse to Molea 2-1 yet?

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Are we able to get a /moveme ability for the upcoming event at 11th with his last Event ?

I could bring my Super too, to let him know, he is not alone in the dark.

Maybe others join too…

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theres another event?

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Find Hope Brother


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