Chappy's F Cancer fundraiser Fleet

I’ll try to be there Chappy! may the force of EVE capsuleers be with you!

Hey, Chappy? Did anyone ask you for your stuff yet?



I missed the last one, so am going to do my utmost not to miss this one!
From what I have read , you sir, deserve a huge send off.
And it really warms my heart to see how supportive the EVE community can be.
To you soldier, i salute o7

May the space lanes echo your legacy for many years to come :rocket: :v:

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Posted this to our blog as well. Hope it goes well.

only for this i reaktivate one of my accounts to be there.

Fly Safe Chappy and best to you

On my calendar. I will do my best to stop by and bring RvB with me

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spreading the word for you brother. o7

Procorp will be there

The Scope Holding Inc will be there.

We’re all behind you!..

Black. Flag. will be there too with a Fleet. We bring some spare Ships to fight as long as we can.

■■■■ Cancer

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leave it to you to be the cool cat here

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My main toon is coming along and a few memebers from our little mining corp F**K cancer LETS DO THIS THING!!!

This has really resonated with me a lot. My dad had cancer when I was young and the docs did not give him a chance to make it more than a year or two. He decided to fight it and is still going strong almost 20 years later. Give it your all and trust me, your son will never forget the fight you put up just for a little more time with him. Give it hell Chappy, we are all behind you.

As for the event, I put up a pos in system for staging and have a 1.95bil buy order in system for a Naglfar to fly tomorrow. If the order gets filled I am going to have this be my first real capital flight on the main server. Any new players that need ships shoot me a message, I may have a couple of extra T1 fit mallers available. I will also be signal boosting this as much as I can. Would like to see this be a great send off for you for now.

This thing still happening?

Is this thing starting in Pemene again?

Was a good time o7 Hope you had fun Chappy and wishing you the very best for the treatment.

It is odd, but i can’t get rid of phrase “I was there” :laughing:

…It was beautiful to watch. And exciting. And sad.

Fly safe Chappy. And keep fighting till the end, whatever it will be.

Good Luck Chappy! :slight_smile:

I barerly made on time but i manage not to miss it :wink: