Character sheetnot showing the 3D model anymore

I accidentally stacked agent mission offer window with character sheet.

Now the mission offer window is too big and cannot be made smaller and the character sheet doesn’t show 3D model.

I can care less about 3D model, but it shown my security status which is important info that I need to know. Workarounding it via opening my own info from local chat is not something I want to do anymore.

Does anyone knows how to reset these two specific windows to default?

Just drag the other window out of the stack. Or click-hold on the Char window tab and drag it out of the stack.

You really think I didn’t do that?

That was obviously the first thing I did since stacking them was a mistake. The behavior I described is after I unstacked them.

Did you try stacking them again then unstacking again?

:smiling_imp: :wink: :innocent:

Yes, I really thought that because I stacked and unstacked the Char Window and another window repeatedly and could not prevent the 3D char preview from appearing or the other window from becoming size locked.

You may have unstacked the agent mission offer window out of the character sheet stack, but the character sheet window is still in it’s own stack.

Click the window name and drag it out to fix it.

As stupid as it sound, it worked lol.

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It worked because you unstacked the windows in the right order this time.

In case anyone else reads this thread and wonders how to hide the 3D model in the character sheet or wonders how to get it back again:

To hide your 3D model in the character sheet window:

  1. Stack any window with the character sheet window
  2. Drag out the other window, so the character sheet window remains in it’s own stack of 1 window.

You now have hidden your 3D model.

This is what you did the first time, and caused your 3D model to be removed.

If you drag the character sheet window out in step 2 instead of dragging the other window, your character sheet becomes stackless again, which makes the 3D model reappear.

To fix this you didn’t even need to put both windows into a stack of 2, you could also have dragged the character sheet window out of it’s own stack of 1 to fix it.

Glad to hear you got it fixed again!

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Indeed that makes sense.