Character Sold

Skillboard Link:’15
Pw: 1234
B/O: 41b
unallocated SP: 537,018
Jump Clones: 1 in Highsec with 5x Basic Implants
Kill rights: none
Wallet Balance: 0
Location: Highsec (jita)
Attributes: Remap available now (+1 Bonus)
Rorqual Lodestrike Skin
Occator Spirit
Viator Spirit
Capsule YC119 Capsuleer Day

Please bid only here, I don’t check the ingame mails

30B rdy here

Thanks for your offer. I want to see if I can get a bit more though.


35b isk bo

make it 36b and you got a deal

36B rdy here

Alright Boutdechoux Malhorne send the money pls and also send me an ingame mail with what account name to transfer to.
Post here when done please so I can start the transfer, thank you.

Ths isk is sent

So as the account name

Money and account name received, starting transfer now

Transfer started, Mail confirmation should appear soon.
Please confirm when you received the transfer.
Thanks for the trade

I confirm the transfer

Thx for the trade

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